Show ITS IT'S OVER SAYS ROBINSON Speaker of House Heaves Sigh Sig h of Relief and Goes V Hon Home e. e I i V SOME CRITICISM HURTS Declares He Tried to Act Fair Fai Fairand Fairand r and Refutes Some Allegations After Attar tho the strenuous work of at tho the last las t two months the members of ot tho Eighth general assembly of the legle- legle laturo lature of ot the state of oC Utah having re returned ro- ro turned to their homes to forget torget for tor two Y years tho tim business of or lawmaking end and follow other pursuits Speaker E. E W. W of ot tho the House e of Representatives neJm- neJm Bald Sunday that he was wis glad th the cna Ond had com come Mr l Robinson stated staLed that he must repeat his hlll previous statements to iho iio effect that he had never seen a body boji of men inca work worle together for such a a. length of oC time lime with as little friction as hA had bad to been n In this tillS assembly He lie ad- ad cl- cl dod that nc did not believe c there could possibly po havo have b been tn an any less Ices factional feeling lit Ht declared that h ho he did n not believe there had been the least feeling feel eel Ins ing ng on an any m measures with tho exception exception exception tion of or the bill Mr Robinson on said I 1 was never nevor approached either dir di directly dJ- dJ r or Indirectly b by an any person erson In Interested Interested In In- In the tho liquor business bUlnes by any member of oC tho the House nor by an any member member mem mern- ber of ot the d Federal Fedral Hunch relative to an any action on any fAny I havo have studiously led avol-led joining Joining- ane faction as I believed that as ns neatly as neutral position as ai p possible was wan the best line for foi mo me to follow During tho the entire session I have hn i away ly from rom all functions j tit the Hou house o that might have havo been construed as u being given ghen for r a purpose i II jis et-jis Un BuSy nt t U Utvik e. e k J OIl 1 have Ilav Introduced 10 io hIlls bum and arid i 3 V have ha never no taken th th-j th floor loot or of ino House and further urthel felt eIt that the membership mem morn was made up of at men mon who wore entirely capable df Of r ably handling bundling all matters I realize that a man In public public pub pub- lic lie is open to criticism and should welcome It H it but I have felt tell a little hurt over the that has been circulated to the effect that I was a apary pary to an any railroading proposition and I 1 want to deny this chargo and also state that I do not nol believe bellevo that I have havo ever used my position as speaker in an arty any other than a perfectly lc legitimate legitimate IU mate mat manner I 1 havo have endeavored dur dur- Ing tho the entire session to act as fairly raldy openly and aud above board as any man mau could Mr tr lr Robinson accompanied by Mrs Irs Robinson left Sunday afternoon for tor o otheir r their home homo at nt Logan President fir Henry Gardner of the tho Sen Son Senate ate ato departed early Sunday for fOt his his- homo home at t Spanish Fork and was followed fol ol lowed closel closely by a a. majority of ot the thO theother other town out members of the bod body A few legislators rem remained until un un- un til tU toda today to learn at first hand tho the fate fato of ot the liquor bill and other pending measures that Interested thorn them |