Show PROBATE TE AND AD GUARDIANSHIP NO NO- Consult County Clerk ClerIc or Respective Signers Consul for tor Further In IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO- PRO hate bate Division In and for Salt Lake of ot Utah Count County State In the matter of or tho the estate of ot Thomas Allsop deceased decease Notice The Notice Tho petition of ot Thomas It M. M Allsop Allsop All All- Tho petton and Joseph II 11 All All- sop George Georgo A A. A Allsop Alsop an I. I Al- Al sop eop fOp executors of ot the thc estate of ot Thomas Alison Alsop deceased praying for an or order er erot of ot sale of at real property of ot said decedent dece deco dent and that all nU persons Interested appear tho time sal said court to show cause apper why an or order cr should not ilot bo ba granted to sell HO so much as shall bo be sel necessary of the tho following described real e estate tato of ot said deceased wit to commencing 16 rods west of ot tho the northeast northeast north north- east corner of ot tho the southeast quarter ors of or s section cUon 6 6 thence west 49 9 rods rodE 1254 feet thence south 67 61 rods an and amid 21 n links thence cast east 65 GS ro rods 9 1251 1254 feet thence w west vest t 42 rods feet teet thence west JC iC G Gro ro rods s thence north 21 rods to beginning Doing Being situate within section 6 6 township 3 Z south range 1 oat east and containing 25 3 acres Commencing 45 46 rods rols 1 feet lct west orthe ortho or of tho the southeast corner of ot northeast quarter quarter ter of ot section 6 west to southwest cornor corner cor cor- ner nor o of north northeast cast quarter of ot section C 6 G. G north tee feet cast 26 rods roJa thence north feet teet thence west 26 20 ro rods s. s north to roa road southeasterly along said road to point 43 3 rods 17 links north of or beginning thence sou south h to bow to- ginning situate In section 6 6 township 3 south range 1 mt Salt Lake meridian containing acres si situated Ir rim tod In Sandy Salt Sal Lake Lako county Utah Ulah has beon been ed set for hearing on 01 Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- tho the day of ot March A A. D. D D. D 1909 at nt 10 0 o'clock a. a n in m. at nt the tho to county count court house In the court room of or saU saUcourt al court In Salt Sal Lako City Salt Sal Lake county Utah Utah Witness tho clerk clerIc of or said sal court COUr with wun the seal thereof affixed this day of or March A. A D. D 1909 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clork Seal By L. L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk ly Ran Han Van Cott Coto Attorney for tor Pell- Pell IN TilE THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRObate PRObate PRO- PRO bate division TIT In an and for Salt Sal Lake county count state of ot Utah In Iii the he matter of ot tho the estate of ot Robert Hobert Taylor Talor Burton Durton deceased Notice The NotIce The petition of ot William Shipley Shipley Ship Ship- ley Icy Burton lear Henry Burton and anti WIllard Cushing Gushing Burton executors of ot tho LImo estate of or Robert Taylor Burton Durton do- do erased praying for tor the tho settlement of ot final account of ot said executors and for tor tho distribution of ot the tho residue of ot said estate to the tho persona persons entitled hn has been set for hearing on Friday Frida tho 2nd day ilay of ot April A. A D. D 1909 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m at the thu county count court hou house o. o In tho the J of said court in Salt Lake court room o Utah Salt Lako county City Witness Sal the thc clerk of ot said bald court with tho timo seal seni thereof thereat affixed this day of ot March A. A A D D. 1909 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk Cleric CerIc B By L. L I. I P P. Palmer Deputy Cleric N. N V. V Jono Jones Jonos Attorney for Pot Pot- Peti Poti- IN THE DISTRICT COURT COUnT PRO PRO- bate bato Division In and for tor Salt SnIt Lake ke County Count of oC Utah Department No o. o J. J In tho matter of ot tho the estate of ot Wilbur Fl Fiske ko mater Bartlett deceased Notice Tho Tho Tho petition or James I K 1 Shaw praying for tor tho tile admission to pro- pro LEGAL NOTICES bate of ot a certain document purporting to tl be bc n a transcript of ot tho the last will HI an and 1 testament of ot Wilbur Fiske Bartlett Bartet deceased de do- cene ceased and for tor the tue granting of ot letters loter of ot administration with the will wIl annexed to James Janies 1 K IC Shaw has hns been set for tor hearing on Saturday tho the day of ot March A. A D D. 1909 at 10 o'clock a. a m. m at the time county court house In tho the court courtroom courtroom room of oC said court in Salt Lake Lako City Salt Lake lAko county Utah Witness tho the clerk cleric of ot said court court with the seal thereof affixed this day dayot of ot March A. A D n. 1909 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER WITCHEr S Seal Clerk Clork By Ihy al 1 L. L L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk F. F C. C Loofbourow W. W IL 1 Larj Attorneys At At- for tor or Petitioner IN TIlE THE TiE DISTRICT COuT COURT PRObate PRObate PRO- PRO bate bato Division In rn and for tor ll Silt Salt Lake county state of ot Utah In Iii tho the matter mater of ot the tho estate of ot Mary wr Eliza Elza Bandall Bandal deceased Notice Notice h Tho petition petton of oC BrIgham Y Bandall praying pral for fOl tho Issuance to himself of ot letters leters of ot administration In Inthe the Limo estate of ot Mary Eliza Elza Dan Bandall a Kentfield Kentfield Kent- Kent field deceased has Imas boon sot set for tor hearing on I Friday tho the 2nd day of ot April A. A D D. 1909 at nt 2 o'clock p. p m. m In at nt the tho county court house in the tho P court room of ot said sail co court rt In Salt Lako City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the clerk of or said eald court with tho the seal thereof affixed this thI day of March A. A D. D 1909 MARGARET ZANE ZAE WITCHER WITCHER SeaL Clerk Clork By Dy L. L L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk Joel NIlo Attorney for tor Petitioner IN Ir THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO PRO- bate Division In arid and for Salt Sal Lake County State of ot Utah Uth In tho the matter of ot tha tue estate of oC Allen Alien Alen G. G Campbell deceased Notice The Notice Tho Tho p petition for tor approval and settlement of ot the tho tUon seventh annual account ac account account ac- ac count of ot the executrix of the tho estate of of Allen Alen G. G Campbell Campbel deceased also for tor authority to transfer tho the balance of ot cash Ch on hand to her account as executrix executrix trix trix In the time state of ot California has boon sot Hot for tor hearing on Saturday tho the da day of March A. A D. D 1909 at 10 o'clock a. a m. m at the county court house In tho the court room of or said court court in Salt alt Lake Lako city Salt Sl Lake Lako county Utah Uth Witness the tho clerk of ot said court curt with the tho seal thereof affixed this da day of ot March A. A D D. 1909 MARGARET Z ZANE ZAND WITCHER Seal Clork Clerk By L. L L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk Stephens Smith Attorneys for tor Pe Pe- I 0 ncr I IN THE DISTRICT CURT COURT PRObate PRO- PRO bato bate Division In and for tor Salt Lake Count County State of at Utah In the matter mater of ot the tho estate of oC Walter Waler Scott Clawson deceased Notice Tile Notice The Tho petition petton of ot Leo IL lawson Clawson and Spencer Clawson executors ex ex- ex of ot the estate o of Walter Valte Scott lawson Clawson deceased for tor confirmation of ot tho ho sale of ot the tho following described personal per per- ional p property to wit wl to-wl 1 pewter cup Lewis evis LwIs i Clark Clan 1 1905 1 bunch of o keys koys 1 I purse 1 Deseret gold coin 1 flattened fattened cartridge 1 pair silver sUver cuff cut buttons 1 diamond ring 1 diamond stud C 6 cuff cut buttons 1 silver watch 1 plated chain 1 I note signed J. J W. W Yo Clawson for tHOO dated Feb 14 14 H. 1896 Interest 8 S per ver cent duo due 6 C months after ater date shares Mining IninG Co stock 2000 shares Empire Con M. M M M. M 1 Co stock 1000 shares Eagle Eye Eyo 2 M. M 11 M. M Co stock 3 33 13 shares Well Nel M. M 1 M. M Co stock shares Metal Extraction Co stock 1 English dog car cart 1 breaking cart art 1 I light top buggy fair condition 1 I light top buggy bugg poor condition 1 dbl ibI harness light 1 single harness light 1 breaking harness light with straps etc 1 saddle old style tent tont fair condition 1 tent poor condition 1 trunk men's mens clothing 3 horse blankets fair condition 3 3 wagon covers covon fair condition 1 plc pick niCk walon 1 shovel 1 rake rako 1 fork tork 1 small smal heating heat heat- In T K stove 8 whips whip for tor the sum Bum of ot an and upon tho the following wIt to Cash upon confirmation as appears from tho return of ot sale filed In this court has been beon sot set for fled hearing on Saturday the day day oC or March A. A D D. 1909 nt at 10 o'clock 0 a. a ro to at tho the county court house houte In tho the court courtr courtroom courtroom room of count said courts court In Salt Lake Lako City Salt Lake county u Utah blab Witness r tho clerk clerk of ot said nale court with tho the seal thereof affixed this da do day of ot March A. A D. D l 1909 MARGARET I E WITCHER Clerk Seal Clork Bro t Dy By L. L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk Young Youns L Moyle Attorneys for Tor Poll Peti pot pot- IN TILE THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO- PRO bate bato division TiE In and for tor Salt Lako county stab of ot Utah In tho time tho matter of ot tho the estate of ot Otto Ellere deceased Frederick Notice The Notice Tho Olo Elors petition petton of ot Albert Ubert W. W Forman Tho administrator of at the tho to estate of oC Frederick Otto Ellers EIers deceased prayIng praying pray pray- ing log Frederck for tor nn an Oto order to sell sel tho the following described personal property of ot said de decedent ie- ie An undivided ono half interest In saId eaid Star Str Livery stable has been set for Cor hearing on Saturday tho the day of ot March A. A D. D 1909 1309 at 10 o'clock a a. a m. m at tho the county courthouse court courthouse house in a the tho court room of ot said court In Salt Sat L Lake Lako I 0 CIt City Salt Lake Lako county count Utah Witness the clerk of oC said court courtl with lh the seal thereof tle affixed this l tn day of ot March A. A D. D 1909 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk Clork By Dy L. L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk Cleric Christensen L Christensen Attorneys for tor Petitioner IN THE TIlE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO- PRO COUT bate bata Division in anti for tor Salt Sal Lake state of or Utah county count of ot of tho the estate In tho the matter John M. M Hawkins mater deceased Notice The Notice Tho petition of ot Harriet B. B B The Hawkins administratrix of ot tho the estate of ot John M. M Hawkins deceased praying sale alo of ot real property of ot order of oC for tor an In Interested Interested In- In said decedent nn and that all al persons court to appear ear before tho the sal said not bo be show bow cause wh why an nn order should granted to sell cell so much as shall be sel described following of ot the necessary real estate of ot said aid dec deceased to wit Part of oC lot S. S block 20 20 plat pInt A Salt Sal at tho the Lako City survey commencing southeast corner of ot said lot S 8 8 thence north 5 rods thence west 10 rods thence south C S rods thence east Cost 10 rods to beginning I situated In ill Salt Lake Lyke City Utah Part of ot lot 8 block 20 0 plat A A Salt Lake Lako City survey commenting commencing 5 rods north of tho southeast corner of ot sal said lot S thence north 2 rods rols thence west est 10 rods voile thence south 2 rods thence east enst 10 rods to beginning situated in Salt Lako Lake City Utah has been bean set for Sal h hearing on Friday the tile 2nd day a of April A. A D. D 1909 at 2 o'clock 1 p. p m. m at atthe atthe Apil the tho county court house In tho the court courtroom courtroom courtroom room count of ot said court court In Salt Sal Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Sal Witness the clerk of or said sald court with wih tho Heal seal cal thereof affixed this da day of or March A. A D D. D 1909 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Cler Clerk Cleric By fly L. L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk Iy Athol Attorney for tor pet pet- Peti Poti- t loner toner PRObate PRObate PRO- PRO IN THE TIlE DISTRICT COURT bate bato division In and for Salt Lake Lako county state stab of or Utah In the tho matter of the tha estate of ot James mater deceased Hardman R. R I L. L Notice The Notice Tho of or Annie L letton of ot Hardman executrix of ot the estate James R. R Hardman deceased praying of ot tot for tho the settlement of ot final Unal account said executrix executrix an and for the tile distribution of ot the residue of ot said estate to tho the persons persons per per- has been set for tor hearing meaning on sons eons Friday tho time 2nd nd day of f April A. A D. D 1909 at nt 2 i o'clock p. p m. m at It tile the county of ot said court house In time the court room COUt court In Salt Sl Luke Lake City Salt Lake Utah county sal said court with of tho the Clerk Clork wih of ot do the tho seal thereof affixed this day March A. A D. D 1909 MARGARET L LANE AND AE WITCHER Clerk Clark Clerk Seal Clerk Clork L L. P. P Palmer Deputy By Dy for tor Pet Peti Cannon Stokes Stokes Attorneys pet pet- COURT PRObate PRO- PRO i DISTRICT IN THE CURT L bato bate Division in an and for tor Salt Lake Lako Utah State ot of County Count In the tho matter ot of the estate of ot John Copeland Hair deceased Esther Esthere petition ot of ThO LUlo petton Issuance to herselt her her- Hair praying for tor the tho In the tha of letters ot of self 0 of ot John Copeland Copelan Hair deceased e estate tato set for tor hearing on Saturday been hUH has day of ot March A. A D. D 1909 at nt atto tho timo county court courthouse a. a m. m nt at tho the 10 to house In the court r. r room of ot said Hall court courtIn In Salt Lake Luke CI City Salt Sal Lako count county Ii I a ii clerk of said courts wih with Witness the so court tile the seal thereof this da day ot of f Marc J A. A D. D 1909 ZANE lARGIE Clerk ClerIc Seal Seal Clerk Clork L. L P P. Palmer Deputy D By fly i 1 T. Ellla Ems L Browne Browno Attorney fur for Pet Pet- Peti Poti- toner |