Show The funeral services of oC the thc late hate Frank W. W t will ihl 1 bo lie held from froni his hula fathers father's residence 1621 1121 South Third East Enst street February 11 U. at 2 p. p m. m Interment in City cemetery cen The rite funeral services of oC John R. R Giles CUes Gies who ahmo lied died on the will wi ill bc he held hel at his parents' parents residence 67 P street toc today n nt at t 11 1 a. a m. m In Interment en t in Ci City cemetery w The funeral of or baby haby Annie B. B B. B B. B daughter laugh daugh h- h tel ter of Asa a H. H and id Haul Astle A lc Chase will wil be conducted at the parents residence reid resi knee dence H 1103 1105 Tenth East street loOn toda today at 11 1 a. a m. m 5 Th The Tho remains of or Ii Gordon Cordon GOclon who lied died In this cl city February 13 will wi be hO taken to lO Idaho Falls Fals tOlla today t for burial |