Show J FOR FOn PiNE GROUP I Lt Many Merger CI Cl Humors Center About I holl c c ant mill and e. With F. F Augustus Heinze expected to arrive o in the city today toay aunt and Mr already Y actively on the ground rumors of oC mer mergers in Ding Ding- liam ham tain camp anti and elsewhere are flying hying r. r thick nn and fast Cast Naturally nothing will Ill be known concerning the plans of either until these plans shall shaJI have o been ben accomplished It is gal said upon good authority however howe that nothing will be he done in ha the Standard Copper Central amalgamation tion until after aCter the ret return mn of or Mr J Jackling Jack Jack- ling from from the East There Thoro seems se I 8 lit Lc tle tic doubt however that hat Mr 1 Ne house I will be made mno president of ot the Standard as he ho already 1 is of or the BIngham Cen Con t An option on the tho Pine Tree rlee b group of t four claims at BIngham has recently boost been taken presumably for mer merger er purposes This group lies Hes between the 1 Copper Glance an and Conger properties anti and is said to be a a. line fine prospect A 1 foot 12 vein eln has hai boon boen opened hi n the tire ground and it is said mid that ore running i. i 10 per cent copper has been shipped t from It The called for tor in the thc option is |