Show NEVADA XE DOUGLAS LOOKS PI FINE FINEX E X EJ Sn il l- l Sap N II It I With Wih J ry KM-ry nl Shirt Shift Samuel S. S Arentz Arents consulting engineer engi engl- neer neel o of the time Nevada Douglas Coppel company who st-ho is In the eH city In iii consultation consultation con con- with of oC the company compa compa- ny fly says that the great property ty at is showing boiler better heter with wIh ev evel every ev- ev cry ery days day's work and he predicts edicts that It I Is to become one ofle on o of the time worlds world's largest I producers ro of or copper COpler Mr Mm- Arentz says say the iho main maimi tunnel has advanced Into Douglas Doulas hut hill hi over feet and ahil tho the whole face is hs showing commercial ore Tho The sinking of oC tIme the three compartment shafts which will vIli wi b bb connected cled with tho the tunnel later on is hs in pro progress es H It I is now down fifteen feet fed and will wI bo be Continued without interruption to t feet et depth Levels Level will wI be run rita off of at each euch feet an and the time ore oro bodies thoroughly I prospected |