Show COMMISSION TO MAKE MARE UNIFORMITY OF LAWS Senate Bill Provides for New Body to Study National Legislation of commissioners The he Utah board Co for or I the thc promotion of uniformity of oC le legislation le- le in lii the United States will be bethe bethe bethe the name of a now new commission to be he appointed by the governor without pay In the event that S Senator Charles R. R I Hollingsworth's hill bill introduced Monday Monlay becomes a u. law The bill provides that throe three persons shall be named by the governor to Investigate in investigate In- In the laws and confer with similar commissions from flom other states with a view to lo arriving a at a Uniform basis on all national legislation The I commis commission lon is to lO have 1000 annually I for rOl actual expenses The ho text of or the I bill is Section 1 Within ten lays days after the approval al of this act the governor shall I wIth the advice and amI consent of the state senate appoint for a n. term of four JUI years three suitable persons and amid they and their successors arc are hereby constituted The rime Utah Board oarl of or Commissioners Com Corn missioners for 01 the Promotion of Uniformity Uni Uni- of Legislation in the United States Slates Any vacancy In iii said board hoard I caused by resignation death or otherwise other other- wise vise shall be tilled Hied I II ell by the tho appointment appoint appoint- ment mont of a suitable person by the tho governor gov gov- no el Section 2 Z 2 It shall be he the duty of or said board to examine the subjects subject of insolvency the descent and distribution distribution i tion of or property the execution and ana I probate of or wills and other subjects 1 upon which uniformity of or legislation laUon in the tile various states and territories of the union is desirable but bUl which al' al are outside the thC Jurisdiction of the congress of the United States to confer upon the these 6 matters with the commissioners appointed by hy other othel states for fOI the ho same purpose to consider and draft uniform uniform uniform uni uni- form laws to he submitted for Cor approval al at and adoption by the several states stales and generally to devIse and arid aridi andI I mend such other 01 or further course of action as shall shull accomplish the lUl purpose iose of this act net Section 3 3 The rhe said board of or commissioners com coin missioners shall shaH hoe keep keel a record of or all its transactions and shall at al each session sos ses sion slon of or the 1 legislature make maio o a report of or Its IU doln doings and of ur Its Lions Section Section 1 No of said board shall shaH receive any compensation for COI his imis sE services r but hut each member shall be JC repaid re ye- paid vald from the state treasury upon the warrant of or the state auditor th the Lime amount of his actual traveling and other necessary UI expenses incurred In lii Inthe Inthe the discharge of or hl his official dut duty after Iho tue Itemized and verified account thereof has been audited 11 approved and allowed b by tho the state board bORl of ex ox- Said hoard board of at commissioners loners shall keep a full Cull account of its expenditures ex ex- shall shull report It In iii each I biennial report Section 5 5 The Tho sum of or one erie thousand dollars annually or 01 so 10 much thereof as may bo ho necessary Is hereby approPriated appropriated for Cor the purpose of or defraying th the tho actual and necessary expenses of or orthe the members IH of th the he board created b by this act S 4 |