Show BERLIN MESSENGERS RS ARE MUCH TOO ENGLISH Berlin Feb 4 Berlins Berlin's Berlins Berlin's new messenger mes mes- boy service pr although a n great success Is bitterly attacked by tIme the Deutsche fales Zt because It Is much too l J h Modeled on tho time London nn and New r NewYork NewYork York system th time the Berlin me messenger enger corps comps are dressed ell In iii a similar uni- uni form fonn with time the jaunty jaunt cap worn wOIn on one Rl side t AI Also o the time term mes ames boy is used In Iii referring to them The rime newspaper in question declares s sIn in imm a n long editorial e that it is an offense of of- fonso to G German national sentiment to dross dress s the time messenger bo boys of pt tho the capital like lIko Tommy Atkins and arill that thal the popularity of time the new service is another symptom of the tIme German national na na- weakness which expresses It Itself itself it- it self In a a. slavish slash Imitation of or other people |