Show TEMPEST AND SUNSHINE r-OR r OR LIFE IN KENTUCKY By y Sirs Mrs Mrs Mary J. J Holmes 1 X I I 1 Fanny i i In New Nou f York ih Three ree weeks a after fter Mr r M kid leton's for New Orleans 11 Mr Millers Miller's Mil Mu- 11 ler's lers school closed Uncle Joshua was present at fit the examination and con con- comit himself mu much h because he did not feel feEl at nt all al stuck up tip at seeIng see see- Ing big both Julia Jula and anti Fanny Fonny acquit themselves them them- selves eh-e eh so sti 10 creditably After lie HIP Iw exercises exercises exer exer- were vei e concluded he lie returned with Mr Miller hilier to Mrs MiSs Ir Cranes Just be before before he- he fore forI he lie started for Cor home he lie drew From hi his sheepskin pocketbook live 1 hundred dollars which he ld dl divided l equally between his Inu laughters saying saying Here gals als I reckon thi this will vill willbe wi be enough elough to pay for tO foi nil all tl the lie turbo turbo- lows youve you've bought or O will wil want amit to huy Ill I'll Il leave you here hern the rest of tho the week pJ to see sec to up your rig but Saturday I shall shah hal send scud for fOI you Fanny was vas surprised at her fathers father's for unlooked generosity and amid thanked him again and again Julia JUla was ns silent hut luit her face told how vexed and disappointed dis dis- appointed she was As tS soon oon as her father was gon gone her rage burst forth Stingy old thing thing said Sail she antI and yet he thinks lies he's done something wonderful bill Cs C's al already already al- al Why h m my hl at nt ready amounts to two hundred and andI I want amit a as much more What am I Io Ito Ito to o do I dont don't know v Sh She would have ha 1 said a l more but hut Fanny quieted her by saying Dont talk so jo about J JUlia Juila It I IUS was vas vor very Ih liberal and anil really I do not l know now what liat to do with all ni mini mine I could find a wa way to dispose of or It I I imagine sl said Julio Julia limit But Bi we will wi not riot continue the conr con coui- r Suffice It I to say ay that when Julia Jula retired that night night her own money was ivas safe afe in her purse an and bythe bytho by ho tho side of it lay the hundred dollars which she had bath coaxed Funny anny AS its AShey they hey were preparing to n return turn home borne on Saturday Julia Jula ild ahl to liCe her hr sister Fan dont don't let father Cather know that you OU gave 1 me nit a a hundred dollars for fOIl I fe fear r rall all al your our powers power of persuasion would be of oC no avail to stay stav the storm he would consider It I his his dut duty to o raise There wa was no need of oC this caution cauton for or Fa Fanny was not one to do o a a. generous generous gener goner ous a act t and then boast of or it H neither lid did her father Cather ask her how ho she had hind disposed ed of her hel mone money He lie was sat satis satisfied is- is Oed fled to know that 1 the four silk sik gowns were purchased as in his they constituted COI the essen- essen esen- esen lal ml part of a young ladys lady's wardrobe Since Fanny ha had disclosed tho the i heartless desertion of or Dr Lacey she seemed to be he be doubly dear deur to her father fath- fath er r for tor pity iut now mingled with wih the thc Intense Intense In- In tense ense love lo e he hc always had for his hh youngest and loved best lo ed daughter daughter Ofen Often orten Of- Of ten en during the three last days day sh shii pa passed assed sed at home pi prior lor to her lice departure Co for or l' l New Xe York h lie would sit and gaze fondly upon her until the tears would blind his vision then springing up he ne would pace the the floor foor Impetuously The scamp the scamp the vagabond but but hell he'll his fast Cast hel get pay enough enough- and l Id I'd pay him too If I I hadn't promised prom prom- not to But aint worth while for Cor or I 1 reckon only make her herace face ace grow whiter anti and anc thinner if It I did 1 t r rAt At lengths t th j came camo on WL ich Julia Jula and ni F Funny Inny nn ere Vere sere to o leave for Cor or tho the 11 first rail time their na native naive ve tate late Side Ida b by side near the tho landing at I Frank Frank- Frankfort r Cort ort fort lay the two boats boats Blue Due Wing mci Ind nd Diana The one was to bear Fanny Panny on her Northern tour and the he hether ther would convey Julia Jula as aH far as as Louisville on her way South Mr Ir who had business s In New Orleans was vas to take Julia Jula under tinder his protection pro tee t I on And now but a short time c d ere tho the Diana would loose her moorings mooring and be he under wa way These few Cew cw moments were moments of or sorrow to Lo o Mr h and Mrs Irs who had hal accompanied their daughters to Frankfort Uncle Joshua particularly was vas much depressed and anti scarce took his hh t eyes from his treasure who tho might be leaving him forever In his estimation estima- estima estma- estma ton ion tion the off far far of North was a barren chi chilly re region lon and although he did not luie quite believe heleve hi his Fann Fanny would be frozen frozen Croz- Croz en to he could not rid himself himsel o if DC the fear that something would beall befall be- be 10 fall all her take good keer keel of her wont won't you ou Miller ller said he he and amid bring her safely Iely back to us Mr Miller gave o o ga the promise and then hen observing that lint there thelo was something some some- thing else on Mr Middletons Middleton's mind he ic said Id What hat I Is I It Mr Mr Ir Middleton What hat more do you ou wish to say Mr lIr Middleton struggled hard with wih hl hi ils feelings and his voice sank to a whisper as os he answered I 1 wanted tu to tl tell tel you that lint If It If-It If she he should die tile bring her home home bring bring her back dont don't leave teave her there thoro all al alone The old man could say no more mOlo for forthe forthe forthe the b bell J rang out its Is last warning The parting Carting between Fanny and her par parents parents pa was a sad sd one and anti even een Julia Julo wept as she sho kissed her sister and thought it i might be for tho the la last t time Saon after the Diana with wih its is precious freight disappeared from view Mr lIr Middleton was called caled upon to bid another farewell to his eldest daughter Reckon the old fellow likes one 1 girl better heter than the tho other said a b bystander who had witnessed both partings And yet et Mr 11 Middleton Middle Middle- ton did well wel and his look and mannel manner mannet man man- net ner was vcr very affectionate us he bade Julia Julo good bye and charged her not notto to be giddy and anti act like hike a a fool tool nor nort t try to come core it I over Dr DI Lace Lacey Though thought he be sarvin the rascal right If I he lie should have havo to tole a alive live ll l e with Tempest all his life It I Is not our am Intention a at ac present to follow Colow Julia Jula In her passage age to New ew Orleans s. Orle In another arither chapter we wo will wi take up that lint subject and ami narrate her adventures Now we wo prefer preter going North with wih the other party part which consisted of or Mr anti and Mrs Miller Fanny anti and Raymond Haymond The Thc latter Inter had In a lit J of oC desperation determined to p quit Frankfort and Oo u o no one knew whither Ho lie accompanied his hrs friends friend I as os far as Cincinnati Cincinnat anti ami iere bade them adieu aing that they would hear of oC him again In a a wu way the they little HUle dreamed of Mr Ir Mier Miller was ivas sorry to part with wih one who had proved pro ed so valuable an as I assistant In his school but all ull his ni ar arguments u- u meats ments had milled failed and he hr was obliged ed to give him up saying T hope Ramond Ray Ray- mond mend that nil mill ni your our laudable enterprises enterprises enter enter- ma may be successful I shall succeed wore ivore Raymond's Raymonds emphatic words arid and the she tho lie t haughty woman who trl tried d to smile smiley so ie o scornfully when I haae her smie farewell fare Care well will wi y yet t be proud to say she sho has bar t hn had a smile smie from me a poor POOl school school- I master Well Ra Raymond mond said ald Mr Ir Il Miller 1 er You have m my good wishes and If ii you ou over o e. run for tor President Ill I'll Il vote ole for Cor or you ou So now good Raymond wrung his hits friends friend's hand and then stepped from fromn tho lie cars which soon oon rolled roiled heavily from the depot Faster and anti faster sped ped the train on Its pathway over 1 0 streamlet ana unil anC vule valley meadow ami woodland I until unU at it last the Queen CI City with Its is I left far for behind numerous spires was wa From the Ih car windows Fanny watched t the he long blue line nf oC hills his which marks the lie Kentucky thorl shore until th they t too ot disappeared from view For a time now we e will wi leave her to t the he tender mercies of the Ohio railroad railroad rail rail- ml- ml road and a n Lake Lako Erl Erie steamer and hurrying on In advance we ise will rihl wi Introduce Introduce Intro Intro- duce Once the tIl reader to the home where shere once had hud sported Richard Wilmot 1 mot and his sister Kate It I stood about a half halfa a mile mie from Crom the til pleasant pleasnt rural village Ige of oC New NewYork of C C- C in iii the thC eastern part parl York The Thc hou house e was wa fr largo o and handsome hand hand- handi some ome and had hal about it an au air al' al of t thrift anti and neatness which showed Us its Is owner to be hue hI a farmer who not only understood hl Iris his business but hut al also o at attended attended at- at tended to It himself Between the thic tH h hou and anti the road was a large c grassy ras' ras l lawn awn on which was growing many ninny aall a n atall tall all tul stat stately ply maple tn timid and elm under whose wide spreading branches Kate and her brother haul had often played during dur tm big ing ing the lie gladsome da days 8 of their child 1 hood 1101 A lon long piazza ran around two tiso subs sides hl of the th building Upon this piazza the family sitting room room fiting-room opened Could we have enter entered d that sitting sitting- room the lie day du on which our oui travelers tra arrived we should have o ha scan scon a n line line- looking aged middle aged lad lady whose form ant and features would instantly have convinced us that we ive looked upon titian th the moth mother r of Kate Yes what Kate Miller ler Is Js now her mother was wo once but hut time and anti sorrow sorow have havo made mad Inroads upon her dazzling beauty and here her and anil there thre the once bright locks of auburn are arC now nov silvered over o and across the the high white brow biow are drawn many d deep cut cut ep-cut hues linos Inos Since Kate Kale last JaRt saw her mother mothr these lines hues lles have in increased 11 Iii Iii- cren creased l. l tom for 0 time the thc bursting heart has swelled the an anguish and the dark eye has haH wept pt hitter bitter tears for t the son on who died tiled far awa away from rein his childhoods childhood's childhoods childhood's child child- hoods hood's homo home home Even now tho the r remembrance mem- mem brance of tf r the tho noble youth who scarce two years yeal S a ago o left leC her till full Cul of or life and health mal makes p the tear drop tear start as she he 8 says aloud How can ean I welcome hack my darling Kate anti and know that thai he lie will wl never nevel come conic again The sound of or her hel voice olce aroused old Hector the he watchdog who hit hal hail hal been lying in the lie sun upon the piazza Str Stretching his huge huge limbs anti and shaking his shaggy he ho stalked into Inlo the sitting room and going up to his Iris mistress mis ml tress ues laid his head ce caressingly in iii her het lap The sight of Hector made Mrs Mm's 1 Wilmot's mot's tears Mow low afro afresh h. h for Cor or d during dur dur- ur- ur ing imig mun many years year he had been heen the faithful faithful faith faith- ful Cui companion of oC Richard whose long absence he seemed seriously tc to mourn For da days s 's and weeks he had hai watched by bJ the gate through which i he had seen his young young master pass and amid when at last the darkness of night Corba forbade e a longer watch he would la his head on the ground and give gl vento veal ven ent L to his evident disappointment in a alow a L Lon i low on mournful howl howl Mrs 18 Wilmot was not superstitious l hut but Ut when day lay after day lay the lie same sat sad ad I cr cry was repeated It became to her an ar I omen of or coming evil evi and thus the thu shock of oC her he sons son's death though none the less painful was wa not quite quie as great as It I would otherwise have been For Fm ForI I Kate ate too old Hector had wept but not so long or oro so o mournfully still sti he lie het t remembered her and always evinced e his jo joy Jo- I whenever her name was spoken enA IOn J I- On t lQ ie of pC of the tho day on which she was vas expected home a L bo ho who had lived In the family when she went awa away called caled Hector Hecor to him and amid i endeavored b by showing him some garment garment gar gar- ment which Kate Kato had worn and h by repeating her name annie to make him understand understand un un- that she was coming home We Ve will ivill wi not nol say sy that Hector understood understood understood under under- stood him bun but we know that during the thc day he never neer for fOl CL a moment left lefi lef the house or yard ard but lay upon the thc piazza looking eagerly toward louard the lit r road which led from tho lie village viage Whenever he lie saw sass a carriage coming corning l he ie would start up and gaze wistfully at It I until It I had passed then he would L a again aln lie le down and resume his watch Mrs Wilmot noticed this his and when I II Hector Elector as ase e we 0 hate ha seen seon walked up teher to te I her and looked ed so s sympathizing In is isher her hel face fac she he patted his head saying Poor Hector you will wi see Kath Kate at least toda today Nor was she mistaken cn for about i 3 I o'clock that afternoon an omnibus drew up before the gate Kate Immediately Immediately Im tin- mediately sprang out and was ns followed follow follow- ed el by Mr 11 Miller Mier and Fanny Thel ai arrival rival was first made known leown to Mrs Irs Wilmot by the tho cry of jO joy which Hector Hector Hec Eec tor sent forth at sight of or Kate With l lightning speed he bounded over the lawn to meet the he travelers tra Fanny who was acct accustomed to the savage watchdogs of oC Kentucky Kentuck sprang back In terror terrOl and clung to Mr Miller MIlcI for fOl or protection but Kate cried out out Do Dr Donot Donot not fear tent it i is only Hector and he wouldn't harm you ou for tIre tho world Then Themi sho she ran ln forward to meet him and embraced him him as Condl fondly r as though he had really realy been a human being and anc understood and amid appreciated it I all And ho did seem to for after Kate he ho looked ed about as asif asif if In quest of oC the lie missing one Gradually Gradually ally aly he seemed to become convinced that lint Richard was not there thele again was heard the tire old walling wailing howl but this tm time it was more prolonged more despairing Faithful creature Know Kno you OU not that hint summers summer's gentle gonte gale galeand Sale and amid winters winter's howling storm stor-ni have swept over the tho grave of oC him whom you so piteously bemoan Fann Fanny st stopped her hel ears ear's to shut out the time bitter biter cry but if IC Kate 11 heard card It I. I she sho heeded It I not and hounded bounded on over th the gravel walk toward 1 her mother who was sas eager eagerly waiting for Cor her In an Instant parent and child were ere peeping e In each others other's arms 9 |