Show ITALIAN SHOOTS SHOOT VO T RAILROAD MEN iEN Opens J Fire Eire on on- Night Wight For Foreman Jan V. V R C dh R. o I Republican Special Service t Helper Dec I IS Two S.-Two Two 0 of tho the Rio Grande Western shops shop f here are in a n critical condition from bullet bulet wounds ds received lat last night In a fight with Ton Tony an Italian la Ia- Ia bohr borer F. F A A. Gregory night foreman in the roundhouse and H. H Irving a n are arc tho the wounded men The he Italian had been drinking and was In a quarrelsome mood when he entered the roundhouse i last night ap apparently op- op ap- ap parenty 1001 looking to for trouble The foreman soon ordered him from the place and In this ho was wa backed by bythe bythe bytho the tho boilermaker The fhe Italian finally left leC only to rot return urn a few minutes later with wih a hu huge e revolver re Appearing Appear Appear- ing at the tho door of ot the tho roundhouse he opened fire nrc on Gregory and Irving Iring who were only a few fe feet t awa away and both fell tel to the fl floor or unconscious unconscious It I was WS thought for tor a a time that tha both of of the woun wounded cd men would die but hut they Uley were revived as soon as n a a. physician could be brought to the time scone and ad to- to It f IK is stated that both will wi probably proba proba- bly 1 recover reco The hc Ial Italian who Vho did the the shooting was wa captured soon nt after r the affair and andIs nd sheriff Is held hell for Cor the |