Show BASEBALL OUTLOOK GLUM V. V Local C I I Si Situation In Dead Slate League Now ow Belli lu Pushed So faras fara baseball Is concerned Salt Sal Lal Lake will wl be he about out of oC it i this year That this city Is not mint lacking In base ha- ha habal ball bail bal enthusiasts cannot bo lIu doubted but thus thiu far Car there has hao been nothing nothing doing loing on a large scale toward putting put put- ting log a team here in 13 1006 OG In all al probability a n tate state t tc league will willjo wi be Ic jo organized during the he ensuing or two 0 embracing nix or eight of oC the more likely baseball towns Semi professional ional ball hal will of course bo he Illa played cd in this his event Tho rho Pacific national team which played here last lat season will wI not b be returned and amid that hat league will wI not spread prend Into the in interior in- in so eo far as It did last Jast season saon There are alC a number of oC semi pro players who are aro boosting the State Slate S lc league scheme which now seems to be assured Ogden Os-llen Murray Park City Salt Llo Lake and other Utah cities are named for the proposed league Should this fall fal through several se teams will wi be made mad up UI here hero for tor games throughout the state If I the players can cnn prevent It the thc game will wJ not nol die le out With success success suc suc- cess ces it Is almost certain certin that another year cr will wJ place Salt Sal Sal- Lal Lake e In a strong Elong Western league an and amid that the time old time ol-time enthusiasm enthusiasm- will wIIl be bo renewed Cf City league players are are getting g busy for the coming season eason and will wJ get into the tho game gme as a soon as a the weather will wi permit I |