Show SDI FIGHTERS AND NI San ln Francisco will vili In all probability l ty be chosen as the thC scene ceno for the thc coming coining amateur boxing tournament 0 of the American Athletic union unton Man Many of the large Eastern cities clUes are arc pro pre pat ing t to sen send men to show their quality against Western estern knights of the iii mitt I t I Memories of oC feats of Lanky Bob nob becoming somewhat hat dim sports In Australia are arC working hard to induce Jim Jeffries to go over o there and meet some of the thc big fighters fighter But nut has taS retired from flom th th ring and says h ho he will vill have ha none of It Jack Jack Palmer of England and Ta Taek k OBrien O'Brien have been matched to lo fight ficht In America in June Junc though the club has not been selected yet ct Palmer Is seeking the thc championship of th the world 1 and believes cs he hc can dispose of the thc American champion Its It's Interesting linS' linS to observe c the efforts of the semi who are tryIng trying try try- ing InS to get ct a n match math with Joe Cans Gans The They will risk a n good beating at the hands of the col colored red lightweight ht for foi forthe the thc chance of getting gettinS' the decision as this would put them near the tho top of oC the la ladder der and give gl them un undoubted right to demand a championship battle battie battle bat bat- tle tie with Battling Nelson In all his seasons of training Aurelio Aurello Aure- Aure lb llo lio Herrera has found it Impo impossible sIble to break away from his habit of taking tak tak- ing lag a constitutional now nn and then But this fact didn't stand Han in the wa way waya a little bit when his his' friends 3 began bet betting ti og An And still there Is nothing big in iii the fight line in fn San Francisco Coffroth an and Lev Levy have gone hunting a-hunting and n dont don't seem to 0 be bo vcr very anxious about s securing curing b battles for the sports of the Const Coast Barney Larney Mullin of Seattle Is still groggy IOS as 15 a result of the sleeper handed him more than a week ago at it Stockton Cal by info Hufe Turner It t was thought for a lime time that the thc out nock out ml might ht be bc serious but hut Mullin Mul Mul- lin un is getting alon along fairly well Ja Jak JlII k Root Hoot and ami Russell will wIlI get together at Kalamazoo Mich lich early next lost month Russell has It on Root when It comes to weight and size but out the Chicagoan should have n no trouble rouble in disposing of or tho the big fellow when he gets ets the thc notion ii l tir iii- xv o-xv ay Jack Johnson our OUI lon long dusky friend Is trying to lo get set some matchmaker to lo talk all to him But Dut Jacks Jack's game frame ame isn't appealing to many and as a conse conse- quence he is whilIng his time away talking simply ng simply pl talking At last a n fight ha lia j been book booked d for B FI Noll X n nm Amen Arrieri- m riCAn ri- ri CAn nn can bantam champion and lIal liner Harry Tenny will fight February r 27 at lO 10 pounds ringside Its It's scheduled to go SO twenty rounds |