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Show 8 . PATH of AT the THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1906. hero |brings in but the i teristics from the ler generation. (i . Rio A * Train Grande by . Te be an Tiorse and After by of an earl- presented as a almost "litthe invariably refer gem." to | In The Barowsky troupe came fresh from Iurope a couple of weeks ago.| Tonight the management promises} MES Carried Being the big Salt Notes, weck' just audiences have Lake theatre count served by the % management of the )and South Africa where closed the usual ph whistled | Che of thet re see in are crow! Thirty | r |} Struck ME RR thronged all thi If appearance o oe By Bo ‘ gee! DO-9 2-40-90 39 6 e uted ling it winte ing y oe the of.190% hieveiient pee e hamec ae Iroquois from 1 bad of the entre ieee ne $0 $0 <4 oe << *- <> -4 $0 4 4 O ~- of was the : rkis, Our cident by The his ptourred. learned Immediately after = accident parlors on po ( day neral has This the been is State 2 Do : popular road, Francisco by» ward f yo 15. of $25 Angeles, Big let REPORT. World's Famous Meera eépert atbureau:the. local of the weather Maximum temperature, 32. ar Minimum temperature, 29 rpheum Female office temperature, 30, Which ‘ts 2]of Jts tonight patrons, : for ALICE Whistler Who SHAW. purchase paying Appears at the Orpheum This Week. - ae the a ene THEATRES In a OF (iF away, week who theater will for be four these she Macbeth' on Lake the the Salt be which this sketch has been | the =: Mod, a kept. begin: can rent be that will joy role a rea that theatre ecm er a f > i, iS = on BOG JOte2 Bern modern f en-| last | ; NTE. oe oe t ret ey CE ny i A = fir> rc A rs farm ne NS & lL q o ee i will prove 1 : a : A ; Special S all fresh from est creations beautiful edges Imported | go $250 cash; balance $15 per month. a . eee TRU ST AND SAVINGS COMPANY. f ° HENDERSON ‘ In a the and boxes only just a to 6-S-10 W. First South AND at \f ~ q large and roomy. Price 66-40-04 NEW to us-hantdsome examination Robes, complete e the. | ees Whistler. Imported go ROSS can with to sell at S15, Mondry 50e, Thursday evening and.75¢. O¢ 20-9 aS a c 7D O a $3.00 $9 IS Ob--IS SO OO 9-92 GO o-4 We 1 carry nes Spriigs, make. The cellent value. - , 2 both rooming GP IP Of ° extensive n . Eastel above and spring Adapted a d PE line 5 of + 5 : Western : $ IS of ex 2 for $ 4 specially , This Bs house > use. 0? 06 PI Ice 3 Ce ; in $1.65. $0 9090-10: 10-0 solid back. seat. Oak four ; Price $ Rosker, on sides. 3 Six spindles full eobbler 4 9 $ £9.73: > $ >-0¢ $o00-< > wo so Oo oP 4 4 = 16 $e] 4 y 4 $ $ > $ 4 , 1% $ 4 4 are all 38 wool he 40-inch, quali at furnish you with Skirt-plain | Imported $9.90. OF NEW HERE THIS OUGHT: TO, O a . $ $ ? 3 . , $ } 3 ; 3 i ; g rs just a from full material Switzerland-the impression for the waist of go at to scll at S18, Monday at Imported - Imported 312.85 go most ; embroidered . -ine to sell at $35, SPRING WEEK IF YOU SILKS AND TO PROCURE APPRECIATE DRESS ' elvs ; chair, well i braced value for AIM NEW andp money oe . an 45 excellent SEATS : * $ GOODS. NEW CAN PANAMA CLOTU : . "ae 7 4 < Gunn nn § G CC, un S -25c, 50c.| 3 ? . ? B Book Cases, ° # ook Cases ° 4 34 $ 3 4 > 4 4 THIS WEEK ATED og ons co's 75¢ eee yer regulor ae rating , Worth perfectly 25:Aa°¥ ON SALE THIS AT-A: YARD... 58¢ ae SPRING : e : dust proof and guaranteed in . . every respect. We will be inches, ‘hes RI with ROTM, with white » Ching Ga FRR ino silks s WEE ci K ences 90c plain Q WASH embroidered woe ees a ence Potka Polk SILKS. dois,xs, ona ioe sack ee also ; ? } | to show you dots,Ss, worth W pial Ulglaceisietelesle eo ose eels our different sty . > es Pe O-PS 0O-0f ote 00 0 0040-4, 00 20-9. ‘‘ 3 $ $1.04 $1.00. 3 79c 4 69 18 to 40 East 3rd ‘ DIT YO i mR 2 a } ring , pleased $ S POLKO-DOT in e oo een - >4 ¢ ‘ SILKS. a , 4 ple, SALE "EMBROIDERED 24 ©. Mee Sec. } ON : 4 > ] | - | Tuesday,| ; SE 3S Se ‘ South. 3 Suriday) y; | i . Why the Gunn sectional Book Case : is the best ; because it is made of solid ‘ ? quartered sawed oak, and polished; its construction is the best and most sim- CHEFU PONGEE AND SHANGHAI DUCK. 21, 24 and 28 inches wide in white, cream and natural color, beautiful brilliant -qualities and suitable for waists and entire dresses, bought below the advance price and worth from $1.00 to $1.50. On sale Monday at-per Ie a eee SEERA Aas, ny OE OV We ae a _B4E, 98c, $I. J (except 2. $1 rice . %$ q NEW PIPE the $ at YOUR SPRING SEASON'S "VALUE: = THAT NONE $1 15 solid table, oak rice ‘ q at 914.60 go Monday " , centre op 4 cane seat dining-room = $ ‘ o> $ to sell at $20, Monday h ' A ‘ novelty i ° j new- these and 16 4 [+og _ Solid oak, 5 : AMP ERTAL. SERGE PA eremeee ae ODLMehbtNeryweight ine || sd NEW, quality, soft finish, Lek pe yr ue Se RULED sores < |" SN Sanwlolo Be PAI WEE ie 4 oh as eeee's > , $ $ 4 ca : $ ? 13 Prices. conceptions SUITINGS POL and eee pliid solid any meee ON SALE THIS Ik ESE S \Matinees, 10c, inspect from <0 l Kinodrome. and Saturday, i JUYING ‘ $10.84. oF 1s Z HE Gr 26.40. NEWS YOULL BE RATE: YOU HIOMESPUN stricuy | THIS Sketch, anos Every 25e, huvi range J $ ? to sell at $25, go Monday THINK «AT ANY: Eekbox checks, Se eee | By fore Before Prices ex- ? } $ | STOVE style styles. i . cart y some lode 4 4 > ND . ® Special Very shipped personal $6.90. READ 1D A j 294 we $ ; \ at $18.70. -; MEEHAN AND 7 MAYNARD "In Sparkling Effervescence of Comedy. A * TRIP TO THE MOON | ON $ > % Street. 2a match. to sell at $12, AND WE DRESS. SHAW Rouralistic. : and ilne. PPPS 4 ‘ ) 4 $ b ~ b . Sale of Beautiful White Embroidered Robes . S insertions Monday EQUAL. 5 ; 4 KELCY D MAREENA Supreme. Femaie rh d 4 of a Turkey," NEVARO, J. og + band-embroidercd and | ‘ - | tye | ie a T\4 ci \\ ; cottage Terms treat. At Gymnasts. Greatest x Q J oe I by 5 ae | | [ ol 0 hw rail : ‘ . fs BROTHERS ALICE J \ $ . € e ; Imported World's a The above dresser is of solid oak; . aoe French Plate mirror and well finished, 5 og | VAUDEVILLE Equilibrists \ | Yih] { | ciel o i tte | q i RA upward. § The tremendous shipments of beautiful White Goods now pouring in upon us | MAREENA, ] ti -- Pail aA Pees eee A mae rae eee a | st . far ge, nw 4 o-0-~ by every train are quite: beyond the zpower of pen to describe. We: are. ready, ; r however, to show you' al! the novelties, and we promise you that ihe inspection } | , \ our u | ' 4 very CHISIVE "1, 4t a | European G0 h Ho Pras! ii ¥ t ; Our assortment of tron Beds is > on | lot, e VW € a FREYDO i |\B26<- LE* fairs of: "‘My Wife's Family" have} proved - successful iaiahe -producets wherever shown, and the rise and fall | : Tale ] 14 3 the management. the offering firstpretentad Iranof besaid the compieneOf | tig by the internal af-| "The 7 (FP Tee Pity dV) , 5 Barroom,"" with || Ham yee ghof thein aweek the melodrama, Playing |. eo { 30> 40 $ TLOMIS : 3o 3 ie ig $ 1 0-rods. es | ‘ luisive ‘street; 422 i ia o brick Third. >> ee oA ik "| oe Ss ER through theta five ve performances. ee ae the atte Foe MR. & MRS. ALFRED $ z "My Wife's seaspaent at MODERN 3 We 4 4 tion me i i 4 ox 4 ; | part, ; oo i Z } an : ne : pee Rouen a ie house, barns etc. splendid right, mnear car line, only y difficult criterion principal ; | $4 et en- will| the 4 ¥ $ 4 tragic composition (hatbill. follow make an interesting --- in . | line in the country. 96 +0 +40 +6 -36 +o 406-90 J |g Oh a wilu he sarah' Sentonenat Wyckoff 40-4> $ > caite another nature. "The Sleeping Beauty and the Beast,'' with a very large company of attractive people, will be presented. As a spectacle it is not easily excelled, and it ripples with captivating music, in great measure entirely new to Salt Lake theatre- the aes Fifth balance The aan aa Ae RE : onday, Tuesday an¢ yednesday, with Wednesday matinee, will be of vin > 06 we} East; small valance . j strictly residence . ll near Fitth as a two in a Family' opened an the New Grand 43> 00 $ cee ' f fort and 51,500--6-room ; well built southeast; good lot. = FS price, as will E . prices. old to-|? no ques- ‘of that most stand as a ei >< 7 pro-| you | 4 the "Lady Macbeth" of this week be the triumph of former years; attends nisi at the the > go jong life of conscientious effort will be revealed. There can be no pretense but Saree >> : a .as..:"'Mary Pematings There on % rent. one ne {-rem water to that | $1,100. will be zg bill a Lake tion of Madame Modjeska's rank queen of tragedy, and in these characters all the art acquired € 3 visit is in the nature of a farewell visit. a promise that, unfortunately, is like- ly to be hold "I$ rent and S200 acs has a which a simple story with a chuckle in Meehan and Manard, "in sparkling } every line and just enough Bi uthos injeffervescence. of comedy,' and the Stille «1 to moisten) the eyes and so in-|.kinodrome presenting some new mo-}_ ure a dignified deportment. Advance | tion pictures, including a trip to the| tue eriticians clipped from the press of | moon on a stove pipe, will complete | | of | cities im a to 4 landlord place of | $4,000-7-room modern brick Fifth East street; large shod& etc,,\ ae they have been packing the | offered by Henderson and Ross under for two weeks. The playlet is|the caption of a "ruralistic novelty." and ending usual serOr o two On will and two where house Will | apmeusessnes-tssscsun scp sews Peay at evening, with the matinee. occasions Stuart" event Salt Sees nen Cee ning Thursday Saturday night, afternoon day "Lady p. "mn LAKE. the for -+ be. the appearance of jeska, 6 ST dramatic. present at | delectation | her way to the front rank. Mrs. Shas is billed as "world's greatest female degrees below the normal. The headliner for the new bill this whistler." Incidentally, she Precipitation from 6 p. m. to 2 p..|week is "The Tale of a Turkey," pre-| wardrobe of stunning gowns trace. sented by that quaint duo, Mr. and) will interest the ladies, eccumulated deficiency of precipls Mrs. <Alfred Kelcy, who come here! A sketch of diferent timber tation since January Ist, 68 inche from the. Orpheum at New Orleans|of the Kelycys is one which humidity OO -HO- > Coe m 4 cottage South be { m.. Rela Be ae 97 per - ‘ 7 money a a your the $4400-9-room MRS. Mean the to of we-are ready: to We- will furnish and yere Be y Salt Lake Route METEOROLOGICAL a 1g apply EXO RaUNE Utah' ans this rate or Los sale opens Feb, =the to /$1,100-3-room. Fee it's. course S announced al ' 8 to San iis home Sepa. Lake. ofr . Sait chatehyvon the cons tore thee |e col- lision. with trains within a week in Salt most INTO) OF OWN? want you do, for. you the Tucs- ro you If vide. fu- o'clock death GET }you now pay monthly toward the purchase yourown? felon ik nal for second. TO HOME Do you want to be known as home-owner, and not a renter? Salt oe WANT YOUR Mg and un- street, en set the Vie ye Patey oF ef ad dcp A, net te 7 2 SNUG e name of this lodge cannot be learned from Greeks in this city and it is not known whether he was a member or carried YOU A ake. At the undertaking parlors a lodge button was found in as pocket bearing the letters E. U. A. E. The merely py 4 is the largest and most complete : continue > $0 <2? oc- curred, his friends were notified his body was removed to Evans' dertaking oJ goods rh only ee far as can be the 4 fs! ey be 5 8 q aa we" ey | pro-| ne a ; the so $ Parlor . we will | uncle, Petokis, at peti a He leaves a brother in Colorado are man 4 day nay have them at a range of prices to suit all classes of trade, and cordially in. cay fas . . de : : vite you to call and inspect our large ilne. Prices in the East have advance and we have io soon advanee the same. But until our entire new line arrives delivering Lake to Salt been had wean load of ‘ bread to the Greek | stores and restaurants oe an his way back to the bakery when the ac- and Ps uncle of the young yt a Gee ¢ . At| whe ground. employe d Louls Korakis and prietors of a bakery > } ‘ a al eet a hr sah ie tsoor | delivery wagon across tracks. THe engine hit the wagon fu inup thethe side, carrying it and theThe horsboy track thirty yards. srnibie ah fe bend, ths Force of the fall' Korakis 0-0-4 newly nil driving ing his brains over horse was unhurt. . 4 e- "3 4 aeccide nt ‘Kor the Oe OO a OP , ° Gust Korakis was instantly Kinea | yesterday morning at 8:50 o'clock by|} a Rio. Grande Western train for Park| sity : e crossing of the line on] of ; oe - et - Locomotive. Twelfth, South and Blate sirects, time OO 0 : ; ca +L | the 7 rss ah : Px) "EC3 (s ° 1 i " Xe ONS We Padi re a Hag es , has been the or Georre miainager 9 S ‘ WOrk fame -O°O $0 4 for eee Me she | Wagon Yards traditions charac-|{t any thin =. the playhouse ""W. B Watson's txtravaganza," at |another Buropean attraction of a dif-|can have little cause of complaint the Lyric, comes with a fine reeird | ferent order but equally as good in|] Léwis Moriisen''s "Faust was prob| from every city beyond the mountains. | the Freydo Brothers, a couple of | ably the most Impressive individual 1; V B. Watson, himself one of the!) gymnasts w pee specialty is head and | offering Mr. Hooligan fared success| count ‘s best comedians, heads the'| hand b: vlanein |fully through all his "roubles" ai | company, and he is ably seconded by ‘Another turn calculated to arouse! the New Grand, and the other house }young women and clever men who/the enthusiasm of lovers of thé daring | with creditable bills did a big busiwill not greatly disappoint their audiact of MM: en: < o and | nes ; ences. : nna, three « eae Poe is Ww wa retire Never since the. presentation of | = = he laws of gravitation to the back)" Ben Hur" have Chicago theatres at"Food for the Gods'-from gallery cat of Cent hall of has-beens. tempted anything so big as the i olonlto orchestra and one round of wholeThen ‘net is Mrs. Alice Shaw, re-|ial's "Prince India." which is now jsome entertainment, is the menu to}cently returned from a trip to urope Coe aE an rea ae Ore cats . Korakis. Gust lesson) modified - . Strikes i Driven Wagon Barroom slightly 4 If GOOD R . Oe ‘ |