Show Star Stale I Deist st Films In the lie West Wese What to Call It If t if Watch Turns Rudy By ay Virginia Vale pHERE HERE was a B time when T THERE JL the urgent invitation extended extended ex- ex tended ended to the motion picture industry by Mayor La Guardia LaGuardia of New York to move to that city would have produced at least a B ripple of interest in Hollywood But not now The motion picture potentates agree with the mayor when he says that New Yorks York's a city that it is the center of the theatrical business and so to has more actors than any other town an town an Important fact nowadays nowadays now now- when so many people are coaxed from the stage to the screen But none of the mayors mayor's arguments arguments ments can offset the fact that the motion picture industry has an investment investment in in- vestment of millions of dollars in its Hollywood studios which couldn't possibly be moved to New York or any other city All previous bets on the best picture pic pled ture Lure released in 1939 are of oft off since the new Garbo film Ninotchka a gay adventure of a Russian So- So z 1 t c A. A A Y 3 t ai cJ GRETA GARBO viet girl in Paris made its Ita appearance appearance ap ap- ap seems that everybody wants to vote for it This is Greta Garbos Garbo's first venture into sophisticated sophisticated romantic comedy I Once again Walter Waller baa has changed the title of or the picture originally originally known as Send Another Cof Cot fin After a time lime as reported here bere It became City for Cor Sale Maybe someone decided that that title wasn't snappy enough to lure customers customers customers cus cus- to the box office In droves or perhaps there was some other reason for lor the change after chance after all City for lor Sale does dolS sound the least bit like a real estate ad Now Its It's announced as Ladles Ladies Know Too Much Meanwhile Tay Garnett Is directing directing direct direct- ing Inq and an excellent cast which includes Pat ODrien OBrien Edward Arnold Arnold Arnold Ar Ar- nold Broderick Crawford Ruth Terry Terry Ter Ter- ry Ernest Truex and Janet Deecher Beech Beech- er er is going right ahead bent on making a swell picture no matter what its it's eventually called r- r Rudy Vallee had some difficulty when he made his first appearance as 81 major malor domo of the Charlie McCarthy McCarthy Mc Me Carthy program When he had his own program hed he'd sing a song then turn around and conduct the orches orches- tra He was Just about to do the same thing when he realized that he was a guest and that the orchestra orches arches tra was in the very capable hands of Robert Armbruster After all habits formed over a period of 10 years are hard to break If Ruth Rath fleece Recce the year old radio radio radio ra ra- ra- ra dio star Is one of or your favorites you'd better beller make a note of or the fact that she will appear In Monograms Monogram's The Gentleman From Arizona along with that timer old-timer J J. J Farrell MacDonald John King and Ruth Barclay The picture a J film Is the first picture ever to be made mad entirely In Arizona and features tea lea tUrfS hires Rex flex Jr the only trained Arabian horse borse In captivity I Balnes Daines leading cItIzen citizen cit cIt- izen Lien of Cold River the hero of the popular series of magazine stories by Clarence Budington Kelland will extend his stay on the Columbia network network network net net- work for another year lie He and the theother theother theother other residents of Cold River became be bed came CBS CDS stars In 1937 appearing in coast to coast dramatizations five live days a week from to p p. p m m. m eastern standard time lime At first the series originated in hi Hollywood when it moved to Chicago most of the actors acton moved with it t Its It's Just 10 years yean since Molly Goldberg first called Yoo hoo boo Mrs Bloom to her neighbor in the very successful serial The Gold Gold- bergs Mrs Gertrude Berg its II author au su- su thor had written trunks full of stories sto tories to- to ries vies but never sold a line Finally she got a radio station to air her serial It Its It's been going ever since with Mrs Berg as author director and portrayer of Molly t r ODDS AND ANn ENl ENDS Radio Radio S-Radio Radio it is no fringe lunger rr n in itS ill infancy ney but bu tome some of 0 its in firl cirl slurs lIa still think hink i its iti newt news when laP they learn to 0 took cook ruo Po Quit Qui am 75 questions last week for IJ fori fors s i new fW high on the ular Battle nallie of 0 Ifill Joan loon doesn't like liht hood Haiti coffer the she tarries a percolator with oath hI her on i trips n std anil males ml her Apr own I Released by Western Newspaper Union r |