Show i I IWU If By II NeD Koto N NI I Mr and Mrs 1 Lamont Tu lIer are arc I spending a two t seeks WIlks vacation in to Chicago The 1111 Second Quorum of Eders of the Third and Fourth Wards held helda I In a n together get Friday in inthe Inthe the form of a n banquet I Announcement has hal ha teen made of or th the mairin marriage e of Miss MIM Mar Mary Francis Harris of to James George Pak Paik of Ely Nevada The 1111 bride isa is isa Isa a daughter of Mr and Mrs Claude Harris of Parowan Paro and the groom Is a ton eon of Mr l and Mrs l George Park of Ely The Faculty Ladles Ladies Club members rs and guests were p entertained entertained enter Inter In the B. B A A. C C. Thursday afternoon when hen Mrs S. S S S. C. C Jackson very ably reviewed the book Children of God by VenUs Fisher Approximate y seventy five ladles ladies were present Mrs Wilson N. N Lunt entertained her Bridge Club Thursday night with eleven en club members and the following guests pre present ent Mrs RW R R. W W. Farnsworth Mss Miss Mary Muy L. L Bastow Bas Bas- tow Mrs Lunt Mrs DeMar DeMar DeMar De- De Mar Bowman nowman Mrs Thomas Cardon Mr Ernest Greer Mr Mn GEorge Croft Mrs Mis Wells pou rn and Mrs Mr Teed Reed Bradshaw Score prizes we were wee e awarded Mrs Cardon l Ir Mrs Stan- Stan ev cv Bradshaw and Mrs J. J S S. Prestwich Prest- Prest The regular monthly meeting of the School Teacher Association was ryas held at nt Marys Mary's Cafe Thur Thursday noon George W. W WI sang two sols cols and Mrs Elaine Southwick 1 led Ird 1 the group In singing stinging several Thanks Thanks- Thanksgiving Thanksgiving a acted arted art act t- t giving songs Aubrey Lawrence master ter of ceremonies ed cd as m committee in charge of arrangements arrangements arrangements arrange arrange- ments was composed of George Hess Hs Aubrey Lawrence Miss s Doris Miss Dawson and Miss Mis Janet Rollo Friday the members J of the American U Legion and Auxiliary enjoy enjoyed enjoyed en en- joy joyed Id I'd a n short al before th the regular re- re regular regular re re- gular business session of the two organizations Following the HIP Ha fW flak ceremony Mrs Bert Smith led letl the group In community singing Miss solo Jones played a piano plana Mrs Wm II 11 Manning sang a n solo and Mrs O George JIS JI'S gave a very r Fo- Fo Interesting Christmas story m meetings those owing the bu n f present reassembled for light re- re t Mrs Dean l Fisher entertained at Escalante E luncheon at nt the 1 nr with the hotel Saturday following guests present Mrs J K Draper Mrs E E. M. M Doan Mrs Don W. W Southwick Mrs Chauncey Parry Mrs Charles n R Hunter Mrs Mr John Lundell Mrs DeMar Bownan Bow Bow- nan man Mrs Wells Poulsen Mrs R. R I I W W. Farnsworth Mrs AAs Gordon Chrls- Chrls Frampton Mrs ensen Mrs Mi ton A. A Jenkens Mr A. A Al Key Neton ton Mrs Mrs John 3 4 I John Deal Beal and Christensen score s Score ore prizes were wert warded Mrs John S S. S Christensen and Southwick Mrs Mrs Frampton Mrs Lundell Mrs Ina Inn Gardner Mrs Mn Cartella Carrie Cant Leigh en entertained en- en Cutler Culler and MI Miss s In honor of their mother mothr Mrs Mary Ann Leigh high Friday Frida atthe atthe at nt the home of Mrs Gardner The ladies ladles were p present tnt Mrs S. S Gardner Mrs Jennie A. A Thorley Mrs Sarah H. H Nelson m Mrs Julia Chamberlain Mrs Etina Emma Eti- Eti na ma S. S Higbee Mrs Ro Rose t H. H Lunt Mrs Irs Lottie Louie P. P Jone Jones Mrs Nancy C. C Walker Mrs Amy M M. Brown Drown Mrs Voilet Urle Urte Mrs Mrs L Lizzie W. W He orne and Mrs Irs Mary Iary B. B 11 Iley- Iley borne barne orne Everyone had Ind n a lovey visiting and knitting and adding up the ages of all present making a total of years cars |