Show I LEEDS LEEiS I A large cro crowd from m here attended attend attend- ed Conference In St St. George Sunday Sun Sun- SunI I day As it was a priesthood Confer Confer- Conference ence once Clive Hartman of oC Leeds sang sanga a a. so 0 o o o. o A Dream of Paradise I Our book club met at the Mr and Mrs Vere McMullin home Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day night Mrs Roxe Rommey Romme reviewed re reviewed to- to viewed the book All Tills This and Heaven lIeO Tool Miss Andrus and Mrs Dalton Dilton sang Lunch was served to 22 members and five guests A party was os given Friday nl night ht honoring our outgoing Bishopric games ranting and two taro very good skits were enjo lCd ed as was the lunch McM McMullin was presented with witha Ith Itha a lovely wrist watch and each pach counselor coun coun- Rex Sterling and Walter Enser Fag Ens- er es' with all leather billfolds and key holders I. I |