Show I P r SOCIETY Mr and Mrs Reed Bradshaw en- en entertained en en- at a Bridge party at their i new home on South 3rd West street Saturday evening with the f G ft following guests present Mr and Mrs C. C J. J Beasley Mr and Mrs c Wm Win Snow Mr and Mrs Stanley Bradshaw Mn Mrs and Mrs Charles R U. I t- t Hunter r Mr and and Mrs E. E W W. Southwick South South- wick Mr and Mrs Paul Cox Mrs William McMullin Mr and Mrs William Dover Mr and Mrs S. S Prestwich Mr and Mrs Wilson Lunt Mr and Mrs Morgan Rollo Hollo and Mr and Mrs Vernal O. O Jones The gu guests ts presented Mr and Mrs Bradshaw with a gift for tor their new home Score prizes for tor the evening were won by Mr and Mrs Prestwich and Mr and Mrs B Southwick Southwick South South- uth- uth wick with traveling prizes going to Mrs Cox and Mr Southwick The Parowan Times reports report three marriages of ot young people from that community during last week as u follows Miss Kathleen daughter of Mr and Mrs Randall and Karl Orton son of Mr and Mrs Ellis Orton were married In hi Parowan on November Miss June Miller daughter of Mr and Mrs Taylor Miller and Vernon Vemon Decker son of Mr and Mrs Alvin Decker were married In the St. St George eorge Temple on Miss Banta Danta a daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas of Parowan was wu married married mar mar- ried to Howard Carlyle Dehm of Maywood California on November The marriage took place In Park Paik California e Mr and Mrs John E. E Dwyer of Los Angeles Angelea were visitors In Cedar City last week the guests of Mr and Mrs Conrad Haight While they were here Mrs Dwyer was the guest of honor at a party given by Mrs Win Wm Macfarlane The guests present besides Mrs Dwyer were Mrs David Dix Mrs Oreen Green Mrs Ash Marshall Mrs David Webster Mrs LeRoy Webster Mrs Corry Cony Mrs Fred Warner Mrs Vander Nelson Mrs Ernest and Mrs Conrad Haight Score prizes were won by Mrs Corry and Mrs Warner e Friday afternoon the members if of f the Civic Club met In the girls' girls room at the B. B A A. A C C. C to enJoy enjoy en en- Joy an excellent pro pro- gram Mrs Wm II H. Manning led the group In community singing of Christmas songs and also sang a asolo asolo asolo solo The Gift and Mrs E. E W. W Southwick gave three lovely Chirst- Chirst mas mM readings The committee In charge composed of ot the officers omens of the club served Christmas candy and nuts The room was made at attractive attractive at at- with beautiful blooming bulbs furnished by Mrs Blanche Jones Mrs Warren Larson entertained entertain entertain- ed the Wednesday afternoon Bridge Club at the Escalante Hotel last Wednesday with the following guests present Mrs J. J W. W Bergstrom Berg- Berg strom Mrs Albert Biederman Mrs DeMar Bowman Mrs J J. J S S. Christensen Chris Chrls- Mrs K M. M Doan Miss Gladys McConnell Mrs Wallace Lunt Mrs Heber Bevy Mrs Stanley Stanley Stan Stan- ley Bradshaw Mrs Charles R. R Hunter Mrs W. W and Mrs Henry were awarded to Mrs Mrs Lunt and Mrs Bowman I I |