Show FDA Helps Farmers I To Reduce Their Indebtedness U. U G. G Miller State Farm Debt Adjustment Supervisor says that from the period of September 1 I 1935 or from the time the FICA FIlA has been In connection with the Rural Rehabilitation organization to September 30 1938 there have been cases settled with a debt reduction of 01 and taxes paid in the various various' counties of or the state as a result of debt adjustment problems worked out of From this one might Infer that the organization settles cases only on the basis of endeavoring to get the creditor to reduce his debts This Is not so The organization asks s the creditor to reduce his debts only when the farmer is indebted In Indebted indebted in- in beyond his ability to pay and when the creditor would probably probably pro pro- bably not be able to get more for forthe forthe forthe the money Invested from any other persons who might purchase the property if It foreclosed The adjusters endeavor to try to work out plans whereby the creditor can get the most for his money Invested and still stul keep the farmers on the farm farmand farmand farmand and off relief For Information contact your County FDA Committee your Rural Rural Rural al Rehabilitation Supervisor or your our County Agent You are invited In Invited Invited in- in also to attend the Farm Fans Debt Adjustment committee meetings The meeting December will wUl beheld beheld be beheld held at the Bank of Southern Utah at Cedar City on Friday December December December Decem Decem- ber at p. p m. m The county committee consists of the following members Lehl Lehi W W. Jones and Parley E. E Anderson Cedar Cedar Cedar Ce Ce- dar City and James O. O Robinson Jr of Parowan I |