Show j Operates rates Home I- I Sightless Wife 4 With Skill of f Normal I i T TO W. WATCH TeD lira Mrs William WOllam Orant Grant A n Hayes Hares BarIn In ber her home bome Pleasant Pleasant- fleW Vat Par Hits Hills N H. H J J. J you au never would peal gness she abe had bad been bean D tines childhood For abe Ibe helps her ber who la Is a beekeeper she abe embroider embroiders darns darn socks lOCk does doe aU all I th the family cooking carries cartes loaded trays to Co and uel from tram the u. dining room with tooted sure speedy peed ease even en has baa been known to repair lampshades lamp lamp- shades Hades Keeping the rugs rug and uel carpets and spick would seem leem to Co be a amore amore amore more difficult task wit for Mrs Alra lIa Hayes flares but bat It has baa proved to Co be no DO problem for tor her ber With ber her vacuum cleaner she Ih has boa learned that a certain Dumber number of strokes In to each of her ber paths pathe across the room makes makel the floor covering spick span and In 10 Inthe the dall dally daily cleanup I Peeling potatoes potato ea vacuuming 47 rugs rigs mending a shirt all an are part parti i rot of of the da days day's routine for energetic 1 I resourceful Mrs Hayes flare 4 I INn Mrs Hayes lIay accomplishments accomplishments' Inthe In the face of a great greal handicap have bare attracted countrywide attention and commendation Feature writers who f 1 b. b bate have observed her ber at her ber home borne YM r. r I ba Dave bare been BO so Impressed by the ease u with which she dally keeps keep her bet borne home Immaculate and performs theother the theother other duties of the perfect housewife housewife housewife house house- wife that In some Borne cases It 11 has hu been difficult to convince them that M Mrs bits reo Hayes dues does not nol possess normal vision villon f 4 I I yv yva a s A R I r S Sk k rg 5 |