Show GOOD GOOD TASTE TAST TODAY EMILY EMIL EMILY by Y POST POSTA World Authority on 0 Emily Post Shaking Hands Is Matter of 0 Impulse EAR Mrs Post lost Should ft a woman woman wom wom- D DEAR an when hen taking leave of a I small mall family group croup several of of whom hom she he met mr on this occasion for forthe forthe the the- first time shake hands with Ith everyone everyone ev n- I And would the fact tact that the she shook hands with each one an hour or to so before when meeting them have hae any bearing on your our answer an- an inert While I 1 know that shaking hands hands Is not to so much practiced to- to to II fly as It once was I 1 wish I l knew knewt a at a w t what at times It was still lUll the polite thing 10 let do Answer r The e question of whether to shake hands der the circumstances circumstances circum- circum stances you mentioned is far more morea a matter of impulse than of rule If It those whom you have been talkIng talk talk- Ing with are standing directly next to you your natural impulse would be to shake hands But if U they are sitting in different parts of the room you would certainly not go from one oneto oneto oneto to the other Again if U one of them goes with you as far as the door you would probably shake hands with her or him as you say good good- by R |