Show Heres Here's an Easy Way To Do Smocking By fly RUTH WYETH SPEARS A A MOTHER writes I I have enJoyed enjoyed en en- A Joyed using the embroidery stitches in SEWING Book 2 I j find a great deal of pleasure in handwork for the dresses o of my little year old and am particularly particularly Interested in smocking Here is a trick that is useful for making honeycomb smocking in points without a special pat pat- tern The fullness of any dress may be basted into tucks o of graduated graduated grad grad- length as at A. A Even a little fullness In the center front froit or at the neckline may be smocked in one or two points Always baste the center front tuck first and then work each way from it The smocking starts at the left HONEYCOMB SMOCKING W BY THE TUCK METHOD BASTE TUCKS lUCKS AND APART AS AT A A A. ATAI TAI TAKE E A STITCH AS ASAT ASAT ASAT AT B a THEN CATCH TUCKS TOGETHER I II I II I I I II I 1 I I. I I I I I I U J. J I II I I t and is done with colored thread Begin at the top of the second tuck Catch it to the tuck at the left with three stitches Work from the top down along each tuck as shown The stitch at B Bis Bis Bis is made by sliding the needle along inside the tuck NOTE If It you like to do handwork handwork hand hand- work you will wilt want a copy of Mrs Spears' Spears Book 2 It contains directions directions for making 42 embroidery stitches with their auth authentic names Also illustrations of five processes of mending fabrics making doll clothes and g gilt gift t items Books are 10 cents each each- each each- please order by number number No 1 I 2 3 and 4 Each book contains an assortment of pages 32 of curtains curtains curtains cur cur- slip covers rag rugs toys g gifts ts and novelties for bazaars With your order for four booklets you will receive a FREE set of three Quilt Block patterns of Mrs Spears' Spears Favorite Early American Quilts Send orders to MRS RUTH WYETH SPEARS Drawer 10 It Bedford Hill nw New York Enclose 10 cents for one book or orto 40 to cents for or four our books and set ot oi quilt block patterns pattern Name N ems A Address ADVISES YOUNG GIRLS ENTERING WOMANHOOD Thousand n of rg young roun girls r entering worn worn- x have found a real friend la Ia E. E Pinkham Vegetable Compound Compound Com Corn pound to help them go co smiling thru restless resting moody nervous spells peU and embarrassing relieve i cramps cramp fainting headache spoils bi backache due ka to female and I functional Irregularities for toe over 60 years yean WORTH TRYING I OLD FOLKS H. H her Hera U Is a Amazing Relief RU of Conditions Condition Duo Due Du to SluggIsh Bowel Bowels JI think aS aD luaU lit act alike aUke uk Just tuat try U til ee e e all U t bl tacitly tl bo mild auld thorough refreshing iD Invigorating Dependable De ie- relief from sick lck headaches e bilious spells spell tired Ired feeling when associated with wiLl constipation m Me box of NR from your Without Pis isk ilSK II a Make the test teat thea t then If V not delighted return the C box boa to ns us We Wo wilt will refund the tho purchase perch price Th That's file hi ct et NR Tablet tod W W 15 15 40 40 Tolay of Df D Doa a. a after nice man many years yean n of worldwide worldwide world world- wide us uie ne urel surely must mad I be accepted aa as evidence of so use ae And favorable public publio ublia 0 opinion supports that tha o of the tho able ablo physicians who bo bo t. t test ted the value of ef 1 Doana boan i under und exacting laboratory lb physicians too approve every nry wor woM 1 of you OU read rad ad the on objective ve of 0 which Is only only- t te to recommend Do Doe Pill a. a II a land good treatment fo for of 01 tk it kidney function and and for relief ot of tie tJoe palo pain and d worry it nu causes l If more people were wro aware of 01 how bow the lidney must mut remove waste that cannot Ia tay in the tho blood without injury in in- jury t to health there would be better un an when bu of why b the tb whole bod suffers kidneys lag lac and Ind two tion would be more moro often employed Burning scanty or too frequent arias lion tion warn ru of disturbed kidneY fun function tion You ou m ma may y suffer r nagging ha back ache persistent headache attack of d di in dons getting tip op p nights nights' pS ness under the tho feel eyes weak all flayed out tie Ue Don Doa pm It ti r. Utter better to rl rely on a medicine that t h hu won worldwide world wide ide cc ac claim than on I. I less favorably known howl As sear or ties I |