Show Arrival of Canal floats Boats Big Bil Event Century Ago New marvels of transportation kept the American public wondering a hundred years years years' ago records over new waterways waterway bem being made almost eve every week especially in Columbus where the great reat Ohio canal was within a year of completion to the Ohio river The week of September 20 20 1831 saw some lome events come to pass pu that had a tremendous Influence ence once on the future of that state Under the heading More Welcome Arrivals Arrival the Columbus Sentinel of September 27 said laId On Monday three canal boats arrived ar ar- arrived rived at this thI town vI viz the Cin Cia Red fled Rover nover and Lady Jane from Cleveland These The were the first olt boats that had pasted passed th the Lick in lag ing Summit The first aria fruits of nav v. v commerce with the lakes lakel and end the state of New York to the town ot of Columbus Columbu was welcomed by th the oln ring firing of a six the ringing of ot the state tate house houle bell a procession procession sion Ion of citizens and an address addre from froma a committee and a collation par taken In common by the boats' boats company com com- pany and citizens The scene Icene was Intensely gratifying to the man of business and rOmi ad-rOmi of Internal Improvement and It is 11 hardly less Je animating to the youth and ver very man many of the adults Julu in this place who had never teen seen any watercraft u superior to the Orleans flat Th The nt sight of those boats boata was marvelous to come som slow calculating calc pioneers of these the Western wilds who never believed that in their day daT a canal boat would reach retch Columbus from the lake Jake The nt flat first boat was wal adapted to heighten the marveL It was w. the the- Cincinnati which was wal built at the th th elt city of New York and ancS actually coated float coat floated ed on the briny waves in that barbor has bar bor lied had p. p passed up th the majestic Hudson th the great Western canal and an plied pUeI d th the Erie Erl Eri and anel Ohio canal distance of ot miles anDes Such was w. la Ia those thoss days Not Funny Fenny t to Robert Detroit Robert George Georg Tuna a public accountant says 1171 th the fact tact that h he has ha a funny name hurts burts his business H H. H wants want It changed to Robert George Georg Howard a request Judge Judg Thomas C. C Murphy of Pro Pro- bate tilt bat Court will consider |