Show Famous N National Performers Scheduled For Coming Rodeo American Legion committees are busy with preparations pre for the Rodeo to be held in Cedar City on Friday and Saturday July and The event promises to be the best ever held in Cedar City An usually fine string of buck buck- bucki i ing in g horses Brahma steers and Texas i steers have been secured for the tho I event and many m of the very best riders and ropers in the entire West will be entered in the varIous var war ious foul contests In addition internationally famous famous fam fam- ous rodeo artists will appear including in including in- in cl announcers clowns trick ropers and riders and other novelty features futures The Cedar City rodeo plant built up last fast year for the tho Blackhawk Blackhawk Black Black- hawk Encampment is 15 one of ot the finest in the state which should add much to the success of the air affair af af- af fa fair ir since its it's unusual convenience makes it possible to run off the program without delays and also affords an excellent view of all events for everyone in the arena Boxing programs will wUl be held on both Friday and Saturday nights with excellent bouts bout promised for both cards The main event of the first night will undoubtedly be Ar of Cedar Ceder City vs Ivan Bland of Salt Lake City the boy who knocked out Dean Nelson Monday night Bland has an excellent excellent excellent excel excel- lent record of victories to his ills credit cre- cre credit dit in addition to the showing h he made against Nelson Kelson Monday and the bout should be a thriller Other Othe r bouts will wUl be announced later There will be dances on each o othe of t the two nights with the Manila Mantle furnishing the music |