Show Cedars Cedar's 5 Broadcasting Station Opening Highly Successful Southern Utah's new Radio Broadcasting Station at Cedar City was formally opened Saturday and Is now operating onas on onan onan an as unlimited time schedule Re Responses ne- ne from various parts of the state and even out of state indicates indicates indi lath cates that the new station is s reachIng reaching reaching reach reach- ing far out and U Is serving southern Utah well The station is 15 of watt power with the privilege ere of applying for Increased power 1 If It ft becomes necessary The radio tower which has caused caus caw caused cawed ed considerable delay in the openIng opening open open- Ing because of trouble in erecting it ft is still stUl not up but special per per- permission permission mission was received from the Federal Federal Fed Fed- eral oral Communications Commission to open under a temporary set up A formal opening program was held at the Public School auditorium auditorium auditor auditor- ium cum Saturday evening with Governor Governor Governor Gover Gover- nor Henry lL IL Blood as a special speaker on the program Governor Blood complimented the own owners r. r of the tho station Leland Perry and Harold liar Har old Id Johnson very highly on their undertaking and wished them success sue suc cess ass in the venture Other speakers on oat the program were v-eM Walter K Granger Graer member of the tho state Public Public Pub Pub- lic tic Service Commission Randall L. L Jones Mrs Fae Fie Decker DIx Preston Preston Pres Pres- ton Petersen of the tha State Road Commission members of ot the tile staff of the Ogden radio station KID KLO who have offered much friendly assistance in the local undertaking and the two owners Mr Perry and Mr Johnson Musical numbers were furnished by Roy L L. L Halversen and anda I Ia a string ensemble a male quartet Keith Ketih and Chauncey Macfarlane IL M. M Neeley and Vernon Jones and sad a girls quartet from S St St. George Georee Scott M. M Matheson acted as al master of ceremonies I Immediately following the op op- op ening program open house was held at at the studios In th the Escalante Hotel and with Jim Urle Uric as aa master I of ot ceremonies an Impromptu program pro pro- gram of music and talks was held until after midnight An unusually fine program of musical numbers given mostly In response to requests with local musicians perfo performing kept all listeners well wen entertained Short talks were given through tho the evening by representative citizens and several state officials were also aIso heard including Secretary of ot State E. E E. E Monson and State Fish and Game Commissioner Newell B. B Cook |