Show PUBLIC ATTITUDE HELPS THE BANKS Annual Bank Bankers Banker Convention Says Say Public Confidence Has Hal Been Restored The restoration of public confluence confluence In banking has bas put it in III the position whore whre it can function fully and ind vigorously In la playing Its Ita full economic part In the progress of ot re every jovery said the American D Bankers In Us Its annual convention The passage of ot a generally con banking law In the Dank Bank BankIng Ing tag Act of 1935 1035 has bas stabilized the banking situation and enabled bank bankers er ers to devote undivided attention to tu the normal administration of then theli Institutions In promoting the bust bus nest ness and public welfare of ot their theli Immunities the resolutions said We feel that it is I. a particularly Important feature of this law that It alms aim to create through the revl revs Ion ilon of ot the Federal Reserve Board Doard a Supreme Court of Finance which with the political non appointment of ot exceptionally competent men should hould constitute one of ot the greatest forward steps In building a sound banking and credit system The Th Government io is flanking Banking Another resolution said We ve particularly emphasize the of the retirement of goy eminent from those fields of extend extendIng log Ing credit of ot various types whit ran can be adequately served by owned Institutions We rec sec that the exigencies of ot the th now passing palling depression made necessary sary a large participation by govern government ment meat for a time In the t task ak of ot meet meetIng tag Ing emergency financial needs Those conditions have ban been largely remedied and the obligation now rests upon the banks and other othe financial agencies to demonstrate to tt the people of ot this country that they are fully able aud and willing to meet all demands upon them for sound lound credit cooperation It is 1 our dut duty as u bank banken bankers ers era to facilitate tate in every effective WI way the retirement of or government agencies from credit activities b by promoting public understanding of ot the proper function of ot privately private I owned banking |