Show Intermountain News Briefly told for Duly Busy Reader Ruden HOG nOG PRICES UP INDIANS SUING U. U S. S SCHOOL COSTS LOW IDAHO GETS LOGAN UT A state band contest with 2000 to musi must musicians musicians clans will be held here hero in the tho I SALT LAKE CITY UT Of UT-Of Of I the he eleven western states Utah I has the largest percentage of Increase in increase In I crease in the value of farm products pro pro- ducts marketed during the ten I months of 1935 compared with the he same period of 1034 1934 it is seen in n a dispatch from the department department department depart depart- ment of agriculture records at nt Washington D. D C C. The increase Inthe in inthe the he state was 33 per cent bring ring ringing ing ng the total value of farm fann products products pro pro- ducts marketed this year to 25 as ns compared with a ten month value of last year rear the report states POCATELLO IDA W. W. W P. P of f this city president of the he Eastern Idaho Holstein Breeders Breeders' Breed Breed- ers ers' rs' rs association has called a meeting in conjunction with the tho state tate dairymen's convention at Idaho Falls January 9 The or organization organization organization or- or will plan its spring md and summer activities BOISE IDA IDA- Idaho IDAr-Idaho Idaho w win winter Inter t e r wheat growers report that seed- seed lags ings of this crop are about 5 S per percent percent percent cent larger larler than last year or about acres Richard C. C Ross oss federal agricultural statistician statis statis- ician has announced These in increased increased increased in- in creased plantings are indicated in spite pile of unfavorably dry conditions condi condi- ions which existed over the winter wheat areas particularly In n northern Idaho prior to seedIng seed- seed tag Ing ng time In many northern Idaho sections growers were unable to plant all nil their intended acreage and in eastern counties counties' where seeding ceding was more nearly competed completed completed com com- germination was delayed and nd condition of the crop is below below be- be low ow average BOISE IDA The The Idaho pubic public pub pub- lie lic ic utilities commission has au au- payment of rebates totalIng totaling total- total Ing ng approximately by four power companies which furnish electrical energy for irrigation irritation and drainage drains in the state The re rebates rebates rentes re- re bates are for kilowatt taxes tates paid by y the users and they are rebates by y the companies on authorization tion ion of the commission BOISE IDA Representative Representative D. D Worth Clark Pocatello Idaho Democrat announces that Comp Comp- trailer roller General McCarl has approved ap- ap proved an allocation of for or works relief funds for noxious weed control in Idaho Clark said would be provided for materials for labor and for superintending the work vork In addition to the federal funds the state of Idaho is to provide provide provide pro pro- vide Clark said sald The work will consist mainly in control control con- con rol of morning glory Canadian thistle white top and other noxious noxious ous weeds in Bannock Bingham Sonneville Bonneville Teton Madison Jellerson Jell Jeff erson Fremont Ada Canyon Gem Payette Washington Laah Latah La La- tah ah Gooding Lincoln Jerome Minidoka Cassia and Twin Falls counties BURLEY IDA Hog IDA Hog prices for forthe forthe the ho past season averaged net to growers of the Cassia county swine pool or more than double the returns of the previous pre year BOISE IDA IDA Thirteen Thirteen Idaho girls have organized the first Idaho Girls Girls' Aviation club here and are arc receiving ground school Instruction preliminary to taking UD un actual flying They hope to affiliate with the Ninety national women's flying OGDEN UT Ogden Ogden Livestock show chow officials announce that competition com com- competition petition in the carload and Individual in individual individual In- In fat lamb divisions of the exposition to be held Jan 10 to 17 is expected to narrow down downto to the University of Idaho and the Utah State Agricultural Cc Col Col- l. l I i lege F For r the past five years the I University of Idaho Idaho has exhibited I n a grand champion carload in the tho fat lamb class for each year Entries Entries Entries En En- tries in the fat steer division and the two lamb Iamb divisions were re received received received re- re from Prof C. C W W. Hickman of the University of Idaho The animals were grown by the department department de department de- de of animal husbandry of the school The Utah State Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Agri Agri- cultural entries in these divisions were received several days ago SALT LAKE CITY UT Utah's school costs in the school year 34 1933 were substantially below below the national average it is shown in a report from the US U.S. department of interior received by the state school office The per student cost crest in Utah during that year rear was compared with witha ae a national average average of of 67 The highest of any state was In New York York and and the lowest was WES 2260 In Arkansas Costs in some soma of Utah's neighboring states were as ns follows California Arizona Colorado 73 Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Wyoming l The average av rage salary of teachers supervisors supervisors supervisors super super- visors and principals in Utah that year was 1070 compared with witha a national average of 1217 The highest was 2361 in New York and the lowest was in Ar Ar- Ar kansas IDAHO FALLS Idaho IDA Idaho Falls and North Idaho Idaho Falls boy boyscout scout districts will hold a court coun of honor January 1 12 IDA Nez Nez P Perce LAPWAI e r c e tribesmen once claimants to the lands of Idaho Oregon and Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington are stirring Stirling to new action in their suit against Uncle Sam The Indians have been pressing their suit for eight years rears ears Most of the amount 3 3 is la asked for a one-eighth one share chare of gold the Nez Nes Perces say JaY Will was mined illegally from their reservation lands by the |