Show BROWN HAND BAG TO BE CROCHETED p ci 0 Dr CRAN GRANDMOTHER CLARK Crocheted band hand bags are still lUll pop pop- ular They look rood good are easy easT to tomake tomake tomake make and cost coet very sera little and Sand the personal pride In fn made hand articles must not be overlooked This neat looking bag measures lith by 0 D Inches and being made of dark brown cotton cot ton is II a very serviceable bag Can be bo made In a few days s In spare pare time Package No 71 contains sui sufficient lelent brown Mountain Craft crochet cotton colton I to complete the bag also Instructions Instructions' and crochet hook Zipper Lipper anti and bag lining not Included This package will be mailed to you OU for 40 cents Should you want the Instructions only send us 10 cent cents Address Item Horn Craft Co 00 Dept D B Nineteenth and St. St Louts Ave St. St Louis Louie Mo a stamped addressed addressed ad ad- dressed envelope for reply when writing flUnK for any Information J Is more lOre than Ian skin deep Aek your yeu doctor Adr Aek th the btty beary OAR GARfiELD HELD TEA TEA-i CUP cop ohm of ton do doe moo mOlt lot few at your Tout t kin ln in std nd completion lon iH this IhA w. w cOKl e reIo m- m I. I FREE out ow h body adr wane thit clog dOl th tha port Poe ml and C al UM t mud mud- mudd SAM SAMPLE d 1 0 blotchy r din In A Ak It TtA c i e. e CO co ept 1 et will y you rou Begin tonight Brooklyn N. N NV Y d waa A Splendid Lax Drink WANTED TO BUY T d II sl Colt Coll Army Arm 81 alt rack nell a. a UM v. ned la le Cl Chit ll War Woula Woold atM ale II b. r la to 41 U ellb Colt Pubs Plain aid ad 4 aid d l ibel ht pepper-bet pepper 11 writ poD stating aa 4 4 pits 11 f fer r which you yon will wilt aIL it DAV DAVID D MAGOWAN lID Cwt Eos n. n Mw Nw tit Eczema in Big Watery Bumps Burning and Itching Irching Relieved Ref by Cuti ura The records abound with grateful letters Jetters of or praise like the following Name and full address are printed to show that letters are genuine beyond question lily My ly eczema began with an as Itching on 00 my hands arms and feet and when wIlen I scratched big watery bumps came canto They burned and Itched so 10 that I scratched and Irritated the affected parts It worried me 10 so I 1 could not sleep I had this eczema for five years yean before I 1 started to use 1160 After using three cakes of learn Cut Soap Boap and three tins of Ointment Ointment ment went the Irritation was vet relieved Signed Miss 0 O. E. E R Reid Held d. d Central Ay AT Hamilton O. O Get Soap and Ointment NOW Amazing also In relief of pimples rashes ringworm and other externally caused skin faults Soap Ointment At all druggists Samples FREE Write Dept 21 Malden Maiden Mass Ad Adv SALT LAKES LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY 0 Oar lobby U 11 air cooled during daring the months Radio for Every Roes awns Dath t Ill F tl a Sy SyI I HOTEL Temple Square Rat Rats to Th The Th IlM Until l Tempi Tempt Sera L. L lase a lushly r l atm aUn l hyou will ulal ad thoroughly Yno tan en I fer for why b this hotel botel Ui at HIGHLY Tm Yu 1 sin also 10 lr r. r of or to se 0 slop saws at I this tAJi t ot hostelry ERNEST C C. ROSSITER Mgr Q t x ww r. r n w. w w f vy t VW CANT SORRY BUDDY SAY S IF THAT a 1 2 STALL AROUND MUC MU 1 CAPTAIN HAP MARRY YOU LONGER MV MY HEADACHES UNTIL YOU vr A FINAL TEST HOP raf SAYS HED HE'D BE IH IN THE GET err YOUR ri MORNING NERVES ARE HOSPITAL PILOTS t SHOT REPORT 4 LICENSE v yx ter I THOUGHT 3 IF F SHE REALLY egY r THIS IS A AYOU SHE AT ONCE YOU KNEW e y LOVED LOPED YOU DIRTY DEAL v CARE w wS WHAT IF YOU S THAT Orr DID SMASH UP WHETHER YOU 1 s 4 0 y HAD TIN WINGS rk t r t. t a THAT AT LANDING F PINNED ON t s s 9 0 GEAR PAY 3 VA g ALL a e S YOUR CUR CHEST i MAKE ae A OR NOT MAJ MISTAKES 1 r d q qt t E. E wt a 6 sh i apa vr e IF YOU 50 THE D DOCTOR HE SAID GIVE UP OH ALL RIGHT RIGHT- SAID t AND DRINK t FLYING IF YOU VOU FEEL THAT YOU BUT THAT BUNK BUHK Ia w t GEORGE WAY ill TW rRY HAVE HAVE ILL GIVE UP YOU'LL CURSES CURSES d COFFEE FLYING or N ri rt GIVE ME THAT WASHES NERVES x THA THE abet UP bOr a ME OUT WHAT t j 1 3 FIRST S SMART TWINS X I WONT WON'T ALWAYS DID HE YOUVE YOU'VE SAID SINCE ri i A ADVISE j YOU SOU TOLD THAT c e s C 1 DOCTOR WHAT WHAT 3 4 YOU THOUGHT 1 ryas rya's OF HIM k r a t i ar a ap p y r s s y a E eY r n a ac i c i. w FEE t TAKE A TIP FROM k Mi IF tt UVE GOT V COFFEE COfFE NERVES NERVE f SWITCH TO it J JOP y HES HE'S 9 s AS GOOD BEEN OF OP course count children should A THE c ss never Stever drink coffee And many I too find that the tho thoI I AS HE IS X ups grown A PLOT MAN ACNE In eo coffee ee disagrees disagree ree with SINCE HE them If you are arc bothered by I headaches headache or a indigestion or R 3 cant can't deep soundly coffee may be to blame why ti not try by for tor 30 days It contains contain no PO e T It U is simply whole wheat and bran roasted and aind kv Easy Esy to make leu than half baits a cent a cup Delicious too too and may prove x at a real help A product of General Foods F R E EE EEl E I Let ui ua send end you ou rout our line Ant weeks week supply cupply of Simply mall coupon COUlOn Oi r co 13 Cr Creek o W W. W. W t. t U. U i- i n Send Fiend nw ms wiO without out obligation oa week auppl at ot F 4 Nam tatus City tate tt Fri til in comp print name DlO and I Oder rood in U U. D a U. only only T r. r Hea 31 31 1 K |