Show i I WHAT WHA T to EAT Tand and WHY I. I C. C a f tOn Noted Food Authority Relates the Miracle l of VIT VITAMINS and Explains Why YOU MUST lUST EAT THEM or DIE By C. C HOUSTON GOUDISS 6 S East Goth St. St New York WE LIVE in the most inspiring age the world has ever known Chemists grow plants without soil Doctors snatch men from death with insulin Surgeons perform Incredibly in incredibly In In- credibly delicate brain operations And thanks to 0 the he amex amazing m ing d discoveries cover CI of 0 nutritional scientists dentists children enter the he world s far better bette chances chance fo for long and happy lives live while men and women u of seventy a seventy are ore more active and nd useful than han their ei grandparents grand grand- parents Barents were mere at ot fifty fi I tv CI Much of th the W hard won won won- knowledge of how to cat so as to increase efficiency curb disease and improve the chances for or longevity is due to the discovery of vitamins VITAMINS VITAl DISCOVERED Twenty-six Twenty years ago a now now- famous scientist walked nervously around his laboratory laboratory laboratory labora labora- tory back a and a d forth back back a and n d forth He was conducting con ducting a nutrition experiment of vast importance II 11 e didn't quite know what he was going to find but he belIeved believed be be- that he was wase wason wason e- e on the verge of a ar r revolutionary rE food discovery The scientist was my friend Casimir Funk a brilliant Polish chemist bio lIe He had been working working working work work- ing on the problem for or many years At last hist in the year 1912 his experiments were positive and conclusive Then he announced to the scientific world that he had discovered a vital force This force said Funk I have called because it is necessary to life Thus the word vitamin came into being along with the first knowledge of these minute but powerful factors which exert such sucha a tremendous Influence on human health and happiness SPARK PLUGS OF NUTRITION Other chemists bio throughout the world world including Including Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins in England and Hart Humphrey Babcock Steen Steen- bock and McCollum in the United States States had had been working on the same problem that Funk had partially partially par par- solved They knew that the first step was to find out how vitamins vitamins vita vita- mins affected the human body and that the second step was to discover what foods contained these vital substances And so there began a long aeries series se se- ries of experiments In the laboratories laboratories laboratories labora labora- tories of great gred universities all allover allover allover over the world which demonstrated ed what happens when a diet is deficient in any of the vitamins and proved that if it laboratory animals animals ani ani- mals orals are wholly deprived of vitamins vitamins vita vita- mins for a short hort time they will willdie die These experiments are of the ut utmost utmost utmost ut- ut most significance to every homemaker homemaker home home- maker because the same thing happens to human beings as to experimental animals Today our knowledge of vitamins has progressed progressed pro pro- gressed to such a degree that ItIs it itIs itis is possible to state stale the exact re re- requirement requirement requirement for most of the vitamins vitamins vitamins vita vita- mins and to designate the foods from which adequate quantities can be obtained RESISTANCE AND VITAMIN A ATo ATo ATo To date six vitamins have been identified Vitamin A promotes growth and builds resistance to disease It Is necessary for the health of the mucous membranes of the body and helps to guard against infections of the respiratory respiratory respiratory tory and alimentary tracts It Influences In In- the health of the hair and skin is necessary to prevent a serious eye disorder known ai as night blindness and Is Js essential for the formation of healthy teeth Vitamin A is found in milk butter butter but but- ter margarine that has been reinforced reInforced reinforced re re- with vitamin A concentrate concentrate concentrate concen concen- egg yolk liver cod-liver oil oU thin green reen leaves and yellow fruits and vegetables such as carrots sweet potatoes apricots and bananas APPETITE AND VITAMIN B O Vitamin B promotes appetite aids ids digestion prevents a serious nerve erve disorder It is essential to tolie the lie maintenance of a good digestion diges- diges tion lon which is vitally important if f the he body is s to obtain full benefit from rom the food consumed This vitamin Is closely related to the energy metabolism and the se- se requIrement requirement re re- Increases with the rate of growth and with Increased en energy en ergy erfY expenditure so that growing children and working men and women should receive very generous generous gen gen- erous amounts Vitamin B is found In yeast whole wheat cereals oatmeal milk fresh and dried peas and beans spinach cabbage and end other greens egg yolk and liver VITAMIN 0 C FOR TEETH GUMS Vitamin 0 O plays an Important part In regulating body processes and prevents the dread disease of ot scurvy A lack of this essential vitamin vi- vi tamin results In profound changes In the structure of the teeth and gums rums may be responsible for hemorrhages occurring anywhere in n the body and for the degeneration tion of muscle fibers generally Vitamin C is s most abundant in succulent fresh green leaves such as is green cabbage It is also found in n onions potatoes oranges tomatoes tomatoes to to- tomatoes matoes green peppers bananas and strawberries In most foods it is easily destroyed by heat heat heat- that is why it is so important to include some fresh raw foods inthe in inthe inthe the diet daily dally VITAMIN D AND RICKETS Vitamin D is sometimes called the sunshine vitamin because it itcan itcan itcan can be manufactured in the body through the action of direct sunlight sunlight sunlight sun sun- light on the skin This is the vitamin vitamin vitamin vita vita- min that is necessary for the proper utilization of calcium and phosphorus In building bones and teeth When it Is lacking In ba the diet of Infants there develops that tha horrible disease known as rickets In which the bones become soft lort and twisted resulting in pitiful deformities knock knees bow bowlegs bowlegs legs leIs pigeon breast In foods vitamin D Is only found in appreciable amounts in liver fish oils and egg yolk Thais That Tha ThatIs is why every homemaker should be so grateful to the scientists who labored to discover how to concentrate concentrate con con- this precious vitamin from liver fish-liver oils and add it t to foods or to increase the vitamin D content of foods through STERILITY ANTI-STERILITY VITAMIN E Vitamin E comes in for less discussion discussion discussion dis dis- than the others because its significance to nutrition has no not been fully determined It does however appear to be necessary for successful reproduction and is found especially in wheat germ germand germand germand and lettuce VITAMIN G PROLONGS YOUTH Vitamin G is necessary for growth and for the maintenance of health and vigor at all ages It helps to ward oft off old age are by prolonging the vigorous middle years It Is essential to the health of the skin and recent experiments experiments expert ments demonstrate that cataracts In the eyes may be due to a deficiency deficiency de de- of this vitamin which is found In yeast and In liver kidneys kidneys kidneys kid kid- egg egr yolk folk milk cheese and andreen green reen leafy vegetables One authority claims t tha h hat a t chronic disorders of the throat stomach lungs colon heart anc and kidneys may be traced to vitamin and mineral minerai deficiencies Certainly enough has b been bee e e n learned of vitamin chemistry t to tomake tomake make clear that the homemaker fails falls in 11 her duty who does not provIde provide pro pro- provide vide vitamins in abundance fo for every member of her family Both children and adults depend upon you for their food supply It lies Ues t within your power to help them to i health and happiness or condemn i them hem to weakness Illness and lorrow tor- tor row Do not fail fan them See to it that hat every member of your household house house- hold your hold your children the wage earners the middle aged and the elderly get elderly get enough vitamins to afford them the health that sc science ence has placed within th their li grasp C e C. C. C O Houston 1038 1938 |