Show a n. P. P W V CLUB HOLDS APRIL FOOL PARTY I As a fun feste and laugh pro pro- lodge June 19 10 10 20 and Wo- Wo f the B. B p P. P W. W Club April Foots Fools Part Party Thursday turned out outto outto outto to be a one hundred percent suc- suc cess ess All members came backward and each was gIven give a the name of A fish to which name nam name they answered to all evening The game of Truth was played during the backwards backward's dinner and a prize given the one who answered her question question ques- ques tion lon most truthfully Tills huts to together together to- to together gether with the fish stories told kept the group In stitches durIng during during dur dur- ing the entire meal Music was furnished by the new club trio consisting of Janet Hollo Rollo Blanche Wood and Alice Allee Palmer who rendered Three Dlin Mice I Mar Mary Bergstrom sang very so soulful ly Iy two solos You Made Me What I 1 Am Today and The Girl of I Seventeen Fishing contests were conducted I and a Kangaroo Court which caused a great deal of laushin Prizes were ere given for the best cos cos- costume tume prize fisherman best fish story most truthful lady shortest skirt etc Beth Deth Leigh Mary Berg Berg- strom Ruth Hunter Gladys McConnel Me- Me Connel and Alta AUa Hunter being winners Several prize packages were raffled of off to get funds forthe for forthe the treasury Altogether the party part was a very pleasant evening and the committee commit commit- tee in charge LaVera Burke Durke and andA A Ada n Burt Durt are to be complimented on planning such a clever affair Our good club member Mary celebrated her birthday Monday April Congratulations Con Con- Mary from all of us Things seem to be shaping up just right for a big at atthe atthe atthe the State and Regional B. B P P. W. W Club Convention at Grand Orand Canyon lodge June 19 20 and Women Wo Wo- men are already planning to take their vacation at that time and it is expected that Utah will be bevery bevery bevery very well represented It Is planned to have the Ule Cedar City club among the highest in number of attend attend- ance |