Show ANNUAL MEETING l OF CIVIC I CLUBS DEC 18 1819 The annual meeting of the Associated As- As Civic Clubs of Southern Utah at which officers for 1938 elected last month will be installed install install- ed d will be held in St. St George on December and The first session will convene at p. p m. m In n the Dixie COll College ge auditorium Officers to be Installed Include James M. M Sargent of Panguitch president L L. L A A. of Mil Mik ford ord first vice president Henry Jr II I. I Jones of Helper second vice president resident and the following mem members meni I bers of the executive board Rus- Rus R Rusell sell ell Hawkins of NephI Frank G iB Marlines Martines of Richfield George I Hunt lunt of Bicknell and E. E R. R Tutt of Xana i The positions of secretary secretary tres tre s surer s. s and field representative Are re I appointive by the executive and ard I and will likely not be tilled filled until filled until after January 1 1 These of offic flews s are arenow arenow I now held by Ray E. E Carr 91 Richfield Rich Rich- I Ifield field and Thomas W. W Je Je isen sen en of ot I Mount Pleasant I |