Show Tuberculosis Facts That All People Should Know now i l During the month of December i ithe ithe the he city tuberculosis committee Is conducting a public health educational educational ional program concerning tuber- tuber i As of such a part a program program pro pro- f gram the Record Is cooperating by 1 publishing a series of articles dealing dealing deal- deal t I ing ng with facts which the general public should know This Is the second of the series Do you know the following facts about tuberculosis 1 1 1 It Is not Inherited It Is transmitted trans trans- from person to person by a i germ In Its early stages there are often no symptoms In this stage It is U highly curable 3 Even though tuberculosis has fallen alien from first to seventh place I as a ranking cause of death It U is I still stUl the leading cause between the Important age periods of 15 19 and andIS 45 IS years ears 4 Feeling tired most of the time tune may be bo a a. symptom of tuberculosis as may also be any pain in tn th the chest 5 5 Pulmonary or lung tuberculosis losis losia may mayor or may not be accompanied by a cough I 6 8 Rest rest and more rest Is the Important factor In curing any form of tuberculosis Nutritious Food comes next 7 f Climate does not play any part In healing th the disease 8 It may occur In any part of the body Including the skin akin bone bones I kidneys liver Intestines brain throat or lungs But over four four- f fifths of the known Infections takes place In the lungs lunga 0 9 If you have the reason reason reason rea rea- son for thinking you may have contracted contracted con con- the disease an x-ray x picture of the tho chest cheat should be taken 10 Burning the candle at both ends is h an excellent wa way to lower body resistance and so become susceptible to this deadly germ 11 Ili That the number of deaths deatha In Utah from this disease increased by 5 per cent last year That Utah and Nevada are aro the only two states not provided with a state sanatorium for the scientific care of Its patients Signed City Tuberculosis Committee |