Show Public Health Council Holds Interesting Meeting The Cedar City Public Health n Council met at the L L. L D. D S 8 S. Semi Seminary nary for the purpose of hearing hearin g r the he report of the president a are report re- re port wrt of conditions in Cedar Cedar Cedar Ce Ce- dar City and for the purpose o oi 01 f adopting a constitution and bylaws bylaws by laws for the organization N N. J J. J Barlow Darlow presided at the meeting which was well attended I and Dr F F. B B. B Parkinson chairman chairman chair chair- man of the constitution and bylaws by by- laws aws committee presented the proposed pro posed ordinances which were a a. a I unanimously The annual annual election of officers was waa set for tor the thee first Monday in January Dr James S S. S Prestwich gave a short talk complimenting the members on the work that has already al al- already already ready been done and pointing out some of the things that might bs be bedone done in the future by this organization Mrs Arthur Gardner president of the Council gave her lier report of the he years year's activities which showed that much community good has come from the efforts of this organization n during the past year and Justified the existence of such sucha a council E E. B B. Quist State hoard Board representative made a detailed repel of a sanitary survey recently com corn completed completed In Cedar City showing great need for a up clean-up campaign particularly particularly particularly par par- to rid the town of fly fly- breeding places and of unsanitary Y outhouses etc ete |