Show GIRLS rom 8 to 15 years WATCH V A liE HIE WINDOWS At THORNTONS For An Announcement I Of Real Interest To You 1 OD SALE will be given by the es Presbyterian Church Sat 4 at one o'clock at Morris Morris- Store Stare 12 P P pd I. I FOR SALE Model D B truck In good condition Price Part trade J. J D. D Merrill Morrill Phone Adv Adv D D 2 9 9 16 18 pd FOR SALE SALE Oil Oil burning heater Practically new Round medium size Cost 52 sell for 30 Call Adv D 2 D 2 pd I PinT QUART lODE CODE i no SOD I s sI I I 1 i- i tr te 1 m HIRAM WALKERS e e er ek g k r Blended Whiskey M 9 owa ft iJ 90 I HIRAM WALKER SONS PEORIA ILLINOIS WALKERVILLE ONT GLASGOW SCOTLAND Maeser laeser Dalley Dailey I IReal Real Estate R I Fire Automobile and Plate Glass Insurance I Surety Bonds Donds Only the strongest Insurance Companies represented Are you ou having in paying insurance premiums premiums prem prem- 1 Would it be a ber her berit lit it to toy you to pay your premiums prem prem- me with a very small sums in nine monthly y installments is with a very small handling charge 1 I am now in a position to offer you I this additional service See me for Full FuU Details I Phone Cedars Hotel Cedar City Ut Ute I Have your washing machines and v vacuum cleaners repaired and painted made like new U. U MILLETT 2 3 North West Wert Cedar City Utah Phone The Record Record- a year W A 1 ID 10 SPECIAL NEW HEW LOW PRICES ON AU All WORK NATURE 50 PLATE 1250 MAIl All Pink No Rub Rubb n RUBBER 6 50 PLATE All wort i tt d 4 up s 1 Y Morris Matheson LAW AT ATTORNEYS AT LAW Dank Bank of ot Southern Utah Cedar City Utah NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SHERIFF 8 SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT 0 OP OF p Tim TIlE JUDICIAL DISTRICT DIS DIS- TRIOT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF OP IRON STATE 0 OP 01 p UTAH TIlE THE FEDERAL LAND DANK BANK 0 OP 01 p BERKELEY A Corporation Plaintiff Plaintiff Plain Plain- tiff vs REBECCA W W. BULLOCH David DavJd C. C BULLOCH and CARR CARRIE IE BULLOCK BULLOCH his wife MARY rW Y B B. and HENRY HENR y MACKELPRANG her husband EARL MACKELPRANG and LUCILLE LU LUCILLE CILLE his bis wife wife WARREN BULLOCH an and JUNE F. F BULLOCH his wife ROBERT RODERT RO RO- BERT W W. OCR BULl and ARMINTA ARMINTA ARMIN ARMIN- TA BULLOCH his wile wife ANGUS s BULLOCH and MARY N. N B BULLOCH BUL- BUL LOCH his hire wife GWEN OWEN BULLOCH BUL- BUL l BUL-l B BLOCH LOCH THOMAS BULLOCH an and d I i REBECCA W W. BULLOCH his wife o I MARY RY JANE BULLOCH DANK BANK OP OF SOUTHERN UTAH a corpor carpor anon atlon LAPREAL BULLOCH a also known as La Prele Pule Bulloch S 8 A A. A KIRK R. R J J. J Oe CeDARS Ce- Ce CeI DARE DARS MERCANTILE COMP COMPANY fl a corporation BONDED ADJUST ADJUST- ADJUSTMENT MENT BUREAU DUREAU CEDARS MOTOR MO MO- TOR COMPANY a corporation SOUTHERN UTAH LIQUIDATING CORPORATION a corporation CHARLES LUNDGREN CHARLES OHARLES MAXWELL LOUIS MAXWELL LOVISA N. N P. P PALM SECOND DOE and THIRD DOE defendants To be sold at at Sheriffs Sheriff's Sheriffs Sheriff Sale on the day of ot December A A. A D D. 1937 1037 at 10 o'clock A. A M M. at th the tha front door of the Iron county Court House In Parowan Iron County Utah the toll following owing described real property situated In Iron County Utah to wit to wit PARCEL 1 All the South 93 6 acres acrel of the tho South half halt of th the e Southwest quarter of ot Section 13 Township 3 35 South Range 11 U West Salt Lake Base Due and Meridian PARCEL 2 a The East half halt of the th Northwest quarter and the Northeast Northeast North North- east quarter of ot the Southwest quarter quay ter of ot Section 24 Township 3 39 5 South Range 11 It West Salt Bait Lake Base Dase and Meridian containing 12 0 acres more or l less s. s PARCEL 3 Commencing 4 rods rod s North of ot the Southeast corner of or o othe 1 the Southwest quarter of ot the Northwest Northwest North North- west quarter of ot Section 24 Township Township Town ship 35 South Range Mange 11 West Salt Sail t Lake Base Dase and Meridian thence then ce West 88 68 roads thence North 80 SOl rods thence East 58 68 rods then thence ea South 80 rods to the place of or beginning beginning be beginning be- be I ginning containing 29 acres more mow e I or less leu PARCEL 4 Commencing 2 rods East of ot the Northwest corner comer of ot th the tho Northwest quarter of ot the North North- Northwest Northwest Northwest west quarter of Section 24 Township Township Town Town- ship 35 South Range 11 West Salt BaIt Sal t Lake Late Base Dase and Meridian then thence co East 78 rods thence South 74 rods i thence West 78 rods thence North 74 rods to the place of beginning containing 6 38 acres more or less leu The property above described contains con con- rains tatna in la the aggregate acres acre more or ox less leas Together Torether with Certificate Cut skate No 17 90 80 shares share B I in n Union Field Irrigation Company Com Corn pany peat which 90 DO shares mares include a aO 90 BO O acre primary water right and a Class fA water right Together r 1 i with all aU other rights of ot every kin kind d and nature however evidenced t to o the use of or water ditches and end canals coasts for the irrigation of ot said premises s. s Together with all aU tenements hereditaments here hoe and appurtenances thereunto there there- thereunto unto belonging or in anywise a ape j ap-j p pd pertaining and the reversion an and d I j reversions remainder and remainders and d ers erl rents issues issue and profits thereof tha eo f HALDOW E E. Err Sheriff of Iron County Utah Vial I By Ely ARTHUR NELSON Deputy Sheriff f RICHARD W W. YOUNG and MORRIS MATHESON Attorneys Attorney for tOt th tha rho Plaintiff I Nov 11 18 25 L Ic Etc c. c 2 NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SHERIFF'S SALE SAtE riff riffIN IN TIlE THE DIS DISTRICT T COURT COUR COURT OF TIlE THE JUDICIAL DIS TRIOT IN AND FOR FOn THE mE COUNTY OF IRON STATE STATZ OF Ol I rP i iTIlE TIlE THE FEDERAL LAND DANK BANK Op BERKELEY A Corporation Plain Plata t tiffs iffs vs ve NANNIE O. O PENGILLY and G. G PENGILLY her husband T T. D D. D LITTLE LITILE and THERZA LITTLE LIT LIT- TLE his wife FRANKLIN PAINT COMPANY a corporation JOHN SON PUMP COMPANY a corpora corpora- tion DIXIE POWER COMPANY a s corporation FERN F STEVENS SEVENS a married woman RICHARD nD GRAY ORAY FRED HARRIS SECOND DOE and THIRD DOE Defendants L To be sold at Sheriffs Sheriff's Sale on the day o of ot December A A. D D. 1937 1837 at 10 o'clock A. A M M. at the front door of or the Iron County Court House in n Parowan Iron County Utah the following described described de- de de de- scribed real property situated in Iron County Co Utah to wit The South halt half of or the Southeast quarter of ot Section 14 1 the East Eat half halt and the East halt half of ot the the West Wea half of or Section 23 all in Township 37 South Range 12 13 West Welt Salt Lake Late Base Daae and end Meridian and containing In n all 1560 a area acres es more or less lees ac according ac- ac cording to the official plat oo of the survey of ot the said laid land returned to the ore General Land Office by the tho Surveyor General Also together with an undivided one third one third of all aU the waters from what Is fa known as Walter waiter Murle I Creek and the springs that feed teed said creek also an undivided one one- third Interest in n what is 4 known as a Coal Ranch Waters as heretofore and now used and applied pon pow the above described land Tog Together ther tha with eta cis from tram Walter WaIter Murie Creek as more particularly described described de de- de- de scribed In a Certificate o of ot Appropriation tion of at Water No 1603 Issued by the State of Utah Together with all aU other rights of every kind and nature however evidenced to the use we of ot water ditches tche and canals canal for tor the Irrigation lion tion of ot said sald premises Together with all aU tenements hereditaments and appurtenances I thereunto belonging or in appertaining and the reversion and I reversions remainder and remainders ers era rents recta issues and profits rh there there- s- s I of ot HALDOW E E. CHRISTENSEN I Sheriff Sheriff of ot Iron County County Utah I By 1 ARTHUR NELSON Deputy Sheriff RICHARD W. W YOUNG and 3 d j MORRIS MATHESON Attorneys for tor the Plaintiff Nov IX 11 11 18 18 23 2 Dec Dee 3 2 J 7 J o FOR BALE OALE Breakfast set aeE Al Ai At 1 most mOlt new Phone Adv N Adv N-ll N 11 it pd tt tf Shay Shay AT LAW AT LAW I co 60 CEDAR CITY I Froyd Froyd-Corry Co General Agents Agent flank Dank of or Southern Soothe Utah BMg TELEPHONES orn Office wa Res ReL int 1791 I OPOl Eyes Examined Fitted Pitted L Lenses as Frames Duplicated D Office over So Ut P Power Co 00 Happy Transfer And Storage Co Phone or 61 |