Show WORK REG BEGINS INS ON OS' COLLEGE DORMITORY Work was begun recently ort on th the e first unit of a bachelors bachelor's dormitory ry for the Branch Agricultural College Col Col- lege The present unit which Is being constructed under the supervision of C C. B B. Cooley will contain four apartments apartments a- a apartments capable of taking care of four fellows In each besides a caretakers caretaker's caretakers caretaker's caretakers caretaker's care care- takers taker's apartment Each apartment will contain kitchenette dinette bedroom and bath with facilities for laundry Included In each unit All AU of the labor Is being done by bv students of the college and it Is expected exI expected ex- ex ex ex- that the construction of this building to be located Just west I of the gymnasium below the college I hill hm and north of the football field i will be a beginning In taking care I Ii lof of what has been an acute housing I problem The first unit will proba probably a ably lv not be ready for occupation before next fall quarter |