Show TASK TASI FOR YOUTH TO BRING ABOUT THE NEW WORLD Summarizing the vexed economic situation and looking Into the future Dorothy Thompson writing In the Cosmopolitan Magazine tosses this challenge to youth I There Is no longer any war with nature There Is no longer any need of poverty There Is no longer a class s struggle which Is II rooted in any physical reality With Intensive scientific agriculture the state of Kansas alone ne could grow gro enough food to feed teed the entire world and the soli soil could be constantly revitalIzed revitalized revitalized and reconditioned Working at half the time they do do the workers of this country could produce sufficient sum sum- cleat clent automobiles sufficient shoes and suits of clothes sufficient apartment apartment apart apart- ment houses bathrooms detached cottages kiddie kiddle cars electric cookIng cook cook- Ing stoves vacuum cleaners and what not for everyone to live Ih-e at the standard now enjoyed only b by the upper middle classes My 11 generation generation genera genera- tion envisaged this possibility It was the basis of our optimism and our faith Now It has come to pass We have chained the lightning disciplined the soil If we like we can cango cango cango go further and subdue climates and find new sources of power Mans Man's long struggle with nature Is II ende ended l lAnd And what is the result Unemployment ment poverty bread lines We have organized nature Cut But ut we bave have not organized men An old old- fashioned man lives in a new fash world And you my young youn friends It will be your task to turn away from the conquest of things the discipline of elements back toward the proper study of f mankind which Is Is manIt man It Is possible possible possible-It It Is even probable that that man will prove far tar more incorrigible Incorrigible In in- corrigible than nature |