Show I 1 I I II I I 11 STUDENTS OF 01 PAROWAN TO RADIO IO BROADCAST The agricultural department of the Parowan high school will wUl represent the state of Utah in a B radio broadcast over overa a national up hook-up from the Chicago studios of the National Broadcasting company on July Oth according to State supervisor of or Agricultural Education Education Education tion L. L R. R Humphreys Utah has been selected to give one of twelve monthly radio programs durIng during during dur- dur ing the national Farm and Home hour and In plans for the broadcast Mr Humphreys Humphrey's department department depart deput- ment selected th the Parowan high school to compose and broadcast a skit for forI program to occupy about fifteen minutes minutes min min- utes time The school has accepted that InvItation invitation invitation tation and Ray nay D. D Garner head of th the the agricultural department of the school I and three Or four future farmers will wll wI make the trip and present a B number orsome orsome or on some phase of Developing Rural Rura Leadership Commenting on hiss hUs choice Supervisor Humphreys states In a B letter to Superintendent Superintendent Sup Sup- N. N J. J Barlow that the Parowan Parowan Par owan high school has an teacher Mr Garner with a mod err point of view In agriculture a goo gooc I dramatics department and dynamic help at the B. B A. A C. C in both boUt agriculture ture lure and nd dramatics This will be an opportunity he adds for creative work-a work chance to get t the high school the agrIcultural department and aneS the state alte before fore the nation |