Show Why More Mental Patient Patients Are Now Cured the number of ot mental A Al Vases eases Is Increasing and number more than half the total of patients In all hospitals nevertheless the new methods In use to restore mental balance balance bal bal- ance once may more than keep up with this Increasing number As you know the number now being restored to health Is about six of ot every evory ev ev- ory rry ten entering these mental In Yn former days a patient entered with a history of ot being sullen and I quiet or noisy and quarrelsome and he was treated with suspicion by th the tha head hend physician right down to the lowest lowest low low- est st employee about the Institution He lIe was wal closely watched and was given little freedom Ills 1118 food tood andrest and andrest andrest rest were supervised but that was wall about all What do we find Ond now Dr W. W U. U In the Journal Journal Jour Jour- nal of ot American Medical association states that a patient enters a mental hospital not with symptoms but with problems What can cnn be done for tor him It Is not that be he be made physically comfortable rest relt and freedom freedom free tree dom from responsibility alone will not satisfy his or mental needs Ills problems must be studied Intensively ely These problems must be Interpreted or unraveled and some method of halving them be attempted Solving the problem can be worked out In two ways was first by making his surroundings pleasant or more agreeable agree agree- agreeable able than what he be has bad had at home borne or elsewhere and second by a series of friendships scientifically arranged during during dur duro In ing his stay In the Institution i I From rom the moment a 8 patient enters the hospital an un att attempt should be made to provide him with surroundings surround surround- ings lags Bulted to hla tweeds Deeds and W wl to adapt the institution to to trial him rather rath rath- er than jhan adapt hiu to the Institution Scientifically alli controlled controlled- controlled lEid friendship Is ls as gs ille e chief factor In the process process or of recovery Thus doctors r nurse urs s everybody around r the Institution make maki U a point to be friendly and do everything p possible to tomake make mak the patient understand the they arl are ar anxious to see f Im get wel welt well You readily see how different this Is II from the former methods where the patient was given food rest relt and anda a little exercise dally daily as nothing more was thought necessary Service ervice |