Show SEEN EEN d J H HEARD ARD round und the National National Capital I FIELD rt II CARTER More oa-Ilore More than 2000 tedi fed ted i III are shortly to be turned rents to I round up Illicit l effort ort Illicit 1 in II an sad D Goo bootlegging Ile gB g This Is I. s a answer to the I dot t figures which Indicate Due of distilled spirits of ot l j a year tear where where- gallons I estimate te made before ms wit IJ gallons and meat experts fI figured red in estimating revenue long Cot D there are only TOO roo agents 1 of ot fact these have hue Just lust L JI a utter In fo the geld field eld Director Choate ka IrI p pat Alcohol Control admin admin- pk federal for tor en en- l dos OD wanted Director ot of the nud Budget et Uy Dt wanted only ly when he saw sa the March 11 sledded decided against against Douglas Illicit distill distill- Is I. more there loudly there sad na now than L ferine prohibition In the opinion Choate Dr James l M. M Doran t sir JIl ij d if of tie the distilled spirits Institute prohibition was director during daring the b bureau reau of Industrial alcohol tAnt ti II there Is ts at least as much months ago Doctor Doran Dornn and andL Some om L mow trade generally were much ed over oler the tremendous over over- of 01 the distilling Industry l no DO one In the business thought 1 plash pinch would could come until next win win- tit at Itie tie the earliest It was thought the of whisky ky for example to Into storage would take care of a erable fraction of ot the capacity M Ent the penalties for tor overcrowding fe dell lell tare have arrived already They because the consumption distilled liquor Is running at aty ij y 1 W 40 per cent of 01 the expectations the most conservative Doctor Doran pointed out to the thee e that actually the wet territory i fie me United States Stales today Is about it cue as It was In the years 1010 1911 while the population of ot that territory Is at Dt least 10 per cent ater tel ter than It was WOl In those years eral egal Liquor Flood li YEt the consumption of ot legal liquor liquori i to lie United States Is only about 20 eat of what It was In those years Ell Is not the doctor points out it to so any decrease In drinking tn li V no DO such comfort for the drys drs i tie me il picture It Is due to the tho trens trenta tre- tre nta ns DR flood rood of or Illegal liquor Gin gives Ires the solution to the ques- ques ii In Ia December there were nl withdrawn and tax paid In tear airy this was as gallons and February gallons allons Bering Bearing In mind that gin In Is Ys the tor for most cocktails It Is the of 01 most experts here that the tax paid gin gill would not supply In New ew York Tork Rosi floe Ros- i ul lod Philadelphia alone let alone aloner r the country The a answer Is liD The bootlegger starts with a aIt arS rS h It of 01 a case case case-a a very very fair tot Jut hut lit it Is not Just taxes taxIs alone For pIe the early closing hours Teo- Teo Mcg parties run short after nine nino dal which Is closing time In most It d So the they call up the bootlegger rev York a wholesaler cannot deI de de- I Use to a customer The drink drink- rut to the go 10 retail store In many w nao pay cash and carry his home The bootlegger Is right the Job Joh eager enger to deliver and at a 3 lower borer than the legal store can The same thing goes for Sun Sun- Wind lyd IDd holidays larch w figures Indicate a gallons a n year but butI Doran figures the government I 1 be lucky Ir if f it t collects revenue on 1 gallons 1 to the fat d. d answer he was enforcement and more In In- ent ocal local regulations he an an- Iger Hunt fey General Cummings Cummings' Inter Inter- hat the Dillinger inger hunt bunt has not been t t of a patriotic American who tto to See eee a law defying murderer t Or killed Nor or has It been Sty 1 the Interest of or the head of a an eat t whose teth men n are on trial so and aDd who tore tone Wants to see hits his hiso ol o of function properly ori nu the the he Department of Justice tea es io this pursuit may easily U 1 Sh j f hIs t twelve ebe Cummings sees sees sees' e tt it it the crime anti lend measures Pending nr before congress conre or ha ID know knows perfectly wen welt that at la What for federal lx t IO 1 the y amount to- to i orl id of not have ha a ri chance In InI II passage Too I III many sen sen- to members of the house are re sate aR say mom o federal Intrusion i ican ra than an they can pre pre- y 1 I Congress line has nag always alway c ous 1 of ot federal federal detectives ti It what hat h haPPened to the old ot tb the nt Ro Roosevelt sevelt It a operatives of ot that I i oto 4 melD questions which Itt gal fI ot the house and not want looked into eWt objectors as Y ot these as fact a matter ot of he fer very fact next t the y were ere appropriation ahle e to liD the 0 0 a cia clause use to of the two tl secret secrete e protection functions do of n the and the et a has an anthe end tt t th men the h e seW sett se- se e W pmt Ie in n restriction a on th that a t moment of ot con con- gressional fear being the reason th that t the detective agencies are scattered scatter through all the departments department Instead of being under one head as w was III or originally I g- g Intended The P Post St Office department has quite an n a aggregation so has bas the theM State depa department w which Incidentally I is II M really the most secret of t alL II though It Is to not not entitled to use se the tto e word word- Labor has b S S many operatives some of ot whom are assigned to tricky attempts to evade the Immigration migration laws w nut lint n the one that has had the most mort publicity for many years rears now Is that of ot the Department of Justice This Is the force torce which worked on neutrality violations bet before ore the United States got Into the World war and on sabotage and treason cases after atter wards Efficiency Test It Is this force torce a part of ot which trained In the special school of ot th the bureau here In Washington Is chasing Dillinger All are a asserted to have demonstrated their ability to shoot straight under the most Intense excitement ex ex- always ahva's remembering that while It Is Important to hit bIt the person person per per- son aimed at It Is even more Important important tant ant pot not to hit your jour our fellow operatives or or Innocent bystanders Mr Arr Cummings knows that If his men make mike a good sh showing In this spectacular spectacular ular case there may come a wave of ot public sentiment for federal law enforcement enforcement en en- which may sweep hU his 12 pet measures thru through h congress despite the states' states rights objections to practically practically practically every ry on one of them A bad performance performance per per- would be h helpful to those who are fighting his measures Thus It was not Just to get enough operatives to the spot spat quickly that the Department of ot Justice used airplanes air aIr- planes plans In moving Its men The point was to pet get men who had demonstrated ed their ability both as marksmen and andIS andas andas as S men who handled themselves capably capably capa capa- bly under great stress In short picked men Stock Market Bill Passage of ot the stock market regu regulation lation bill In at least as drastic a form torm as It was reported by the senate banking and currency committee Is the strong probability Actually the measure seems to most Impartial 01 observers observers ob ob- servers to be pretty stringent even as asIt asIt asit It stands although the radicals and progressives es Insist It was emasculated ed In committee by the amendments proposed by Senator Carter Carler Glass Incidentally no one was as surprised surprised surprised sur sur- as Glass at this charge of ot the emasculation He lie still thinks revised form of the bill Is Just as harsh on the stock exchange as the original origInal from from the standpoint of ot criticisms criticisms made of ot the exchange and Its practices The real objection of ot stock exchange operators to the measure no longer centers on the margin requirements In the bill before the senate these are arenow arenow arenow now left to the discretion of ot the new commission of ot five live to be appointed by bythe bythe bythe the President Hut But ut the provisions of ot the measure still remaining which In effect deal with regulating all corporations whose securities are listed on the stock exchange exchange ex ex- change Is something else again The Thenet Thenet Thenet net effect of ot that portion of ot the bill will be to decrease enormously the amount of or business done on the ex ex- change It will cut down the commissions commissions com com- missions earned by the exchange members This Is no mere Idea It Is a definitely definitely dell Iy known I fact Officials of ot scores of ot corporations have told their friends friendson on Wan Wall street that they will not submit submit sub sub- mit to the amount of ot governmental regulation and supervision Implied In Inese these ese paragraphs of ot the stock exchange exchange ex ex- change regulation bill The answer Is II that when the bill goes Into effect these corporations will withdraw the present listings of ot their stocks Those stocks no longer will be bought or sold on the New York Stock exchange They will change hands thereafter only In private dealings Hard on Stockholders This will work a severe hardship on the stockholders of ot those com com- panics This the officials admit It will be such a hardship that certain other companies which would like very much to withdraw their listing if It tho the bill bl passes posses may refrain retrain from doing so BO For It ft w would uld mean menn that those stocks could no longer be used to anything like the present extent as collateral for tor loans not only because of ot legal restrictions Imposed In the bill but because as there would no longer be a constant record of ot the tho actual actual actual ac ac- selling price of ot the s stock stock lenders ock lenders would not be bl willing villing t to advance as much ouch nuch on those stocks as' as security ec Rut But a great many many corp corporations would far rather rather deprive e th heir lr stockholders stockholders stock stock- holders of ot this very fiery Important nt advantage advantage submit t to the he govern tage tage age than thano o to o to merit scrutiny ol of r thelt business s that the bill proposes They have hue never ne they though objected VI very violently though did not like It to It-to to the Inquiries occasionally occasionally occa occa- made Into their returns by bythe bythe the Income InOme tax division of ot the treas treas- ury ury But nut on the other hand they point out that tbt there was no obJect object In Jn Inthis Inthis except o made sure sure sare on this Inquiry except Q J-Q government that the behalf of ot the gov proper amount of ot tax was paid The objects of or the new measure go far for a afield from that They are linked United of ot regulating In with the New Deal Idea ing business prices prices- es profits salaries wages and every detail connected with business and a nJ au J many corporation corporation corpora corpora- tion heads said privately on recent visits to Washington Washington- the difference Internal revenue bureau between th the type of ot Investigation and that of the federal trade commission Is a horse color of ot a very different |