Show n r. r BANK OF SOUTHERN UTAH ST STATEMENT TEl OF CONDITION December 30 1933 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts t Cash on due from Federal J Reserve Bank and other Banks IU tu S. oS M Municipal Bonds a ul Federal Reserve Sank Stock Other Stocks Banking House and tandi i Furniture I and Real IReal Estate Esta te I Owned Other IOther Resources LIABILITIES Capital l Stock Stoc Sto k Capital Debentures Surplus Undivided Profits Demand Deposits Time Deposits Other iOther Liabilities Member lember of Federal Reserve System Member J Fe Federal er l Deposit Insurance Corporation Regular Customers ers are re our best ad for or og service Ask Asic your your neighbor neighbor hell hell he'll tell you th that t tour t our printing on on Papers is unexcelled SHAY SHAY LAW AT V C. C S S. S A. A BId cedar City Utah Phone 60 I FOR RENT RENT Ground Ground l floor apart apart- I ment Call Cail Adv Mv 1 1 pd tf tt 11 I FURNISHED ROOMS for rent Mrs Mu 3 J. J IX n. Cox 77 Tl South East Ad D 21 D- D U tl I Is Your TELEPHONE in in your neighbors neighbor's I 1 home borne With a n telephone in your our own home come your our friends can reach you yon quickly and you youcan youcan youcan can can call them any time you ou wish It will run countless countless count count- less errands for you and is always ready for important import import- ant calls in case of sickness sick sick- sick sickness lle ness s or emergency Make 1 your our next call fro from your neighbors neighbor's telephone a call to us for service of f your our own v t The Mountain st States tes Telephone Telegraph H Company Morris IX Matheson l Attorneys at raw Law Bank lank of or Southern Uth Skis BMg Cedar City Utah Orpheum FRIDAY and nd SA WAY WAYBig DA yo Big Biff Executive Shows ShOYS WallStreet j Also AISo Also n t Tom Mix lix im t T 4 Terror Trail Trai J t BUN SUN MO MOld A Anti s TORCH SINGER 1 A Heart Story With V Claudet Colb Colbert PICTORIAL PICTORIAL f t tSEE SEE YOU TONIGHT TONIGHT- NEWS WEDNESDAY and Y House Howse on oil L St Street S treet reeL l. With 1 Kay POPULAR COMPOSERS COMPOSERS- WITH KIT CARSON ti t I r. r A Miss Audrey th daughter of ot Mr and Mrs Is In a critical l condition s sious a long ious heart heart disease e. e She rha adif from front heart trouble for tor time some tier her condition becoming more serious d tithing rIni r- r ing Ini the past ninths Majestic Grunow RADIOS OF COURSE V I rAt r F FAt At prices ranging from 1495 on oil good used radios conditioned re-conditioned d and rebuilt to to- 0 on the Newest 11 Tube Models See Our Stock Before You Buy Have your present radio inspected and it anda alt Tubes tested free by a trained service man We have all the latest equipment for a good repair job HUNTER HARDWARE ARE AND FURNITURE COMPANY Cedar City Utah 1 I I y I 1 I Cooler road roads not only cause little wear on new Dew tires they tires they Goodyear Goodyear- I alto also cold cure cold cure the rubber Experience Ex- Ex Ext t sr Pathfinder Pathfinder's L penance proves prove that new tires s r I limbered up In winter Inter average anna 0 Cord dT Tires INI thousands s more mU milts miles than tires tire S s' s ti started off oft new on hot roads roade Get the full non skid safety of or 7 12 20 Goodyear Goodyears for winter driving at lit y Ua Jj S1 1 1 1 t today's today low price prices and and pet get more Tires Tiree a I. I j 4 20 soom 7 miles by miles by buying now A t A v. v E. E 6 oo 7 45 It t 21 1 GOOD 0 0 0 YEAR E EJ J R J 30 8 8 Goodyear Goodyear All Ali Weather Speedway 19 19 Old fiad fode Tue Tirs In XV 7 t ur O Dep UP 6 ATO 70 5 8 r 7 OH 01 Si sad 4 Tv POlito i i. i r Petty etty Motor Co Cedar C dar City Utah 11 1 1 |