Show I I Dr Prestwich Reports Cure of Unusual Disease to Lions A interesting report waL was iven by Dr Jas S. S Prestwich at the Lions Liona club dub meeting Monday of the apparent cure of a case of from which a Cedar youth has been f for r some true The boy has nas been under Ray X-Ray y treatment at the Intermountain Clinic In In Salt Lake City for several years years years' and while his case has seemed hope hopeless hopeless hopeless hope hope- less at times he is apparently in normal normal normal nor nor- nor nor- mal condition at present The case being one of ot the most unusual known to science has attracted much att attention attention atten atten- n- n tion and a history of the case will be published in the American Medical magazine magazine magazine ma ma- the report to be prepared by ay Dr George W W. Middleton and others Billy BUly Maack also pleased the club with a burlesque talk on The Isle of ot as a part of a group program program program pro pro- gram contest Morris Roberts gave a report of the clubs toy distribution to needy families families families lies at Christmas time Through the cooperation of the Industrial Arts class classA A th the Branch College broken and used toys were gathered repaired and distributed five Eighty toys were completed and distributed to sixty families The distribution was made by Morris Roberts O. O D. D Lombard Lombardi and Warren M M. Cox Upon motion of ot Mr Roberts the club will make such sucha a distribution an annual project |