Show National Guard Reorganized up to Full Strength As a a result fo to an enlistment cam campaign cain cain- launched launched during the past month the local unit of the National Guard Battery F of the Filed Artillery Artillery Artillery Ar Ar- tillery has been brought up to full strength of sixty nine men and tour four commissioned officers The Battery has he been reorganized to Intensive drill and training training training train train- ing during the then n next six months month to put the Battery in first class shape to enter enter enter en en- ter the summer encampment at Jordan Jordan Jordan Jor Jor- dan Narrows in June Lehl Lehi M. M Jones captain of the Battery Battery Battery Bat Bat- tery states that the organization has b been en set up as follows First Ltd Hal Christensen executive executive tive tI officer in charge of ot training of gun crews Second Ltd Howard B. B Linford assistant executive officer In charge of ot training of ot tractor drivers and responsible for care and maintenance ance of all wheel materiel Second Ld 14 Vernon A. A Jones reconnaissance officers In charge of ot training of ot specialists specialists specialists of ot battery including instrument instrument instrument ment and signal detail etc The balance of the organization in- in Monroe Foster First Wayne Wood and Del Carpenter In charge of gun sections Earl Slaughter Instrument Scott Car penter Signal Conway Parry Supply and mf Mont Hunter Motor I |