Show DELIGHTFUL JL TEA The ladles ladies of the Presbyterian Missionary Missionary Mis Mis- Society entertained at a beautifully beautifully appointed tea in the Presbyterian Presbyterian Presbyterian Presby Presby- terian Church Friday afternoon The tea table was covered with a lace cloth and held a centerpiece of Bridal Wreath snowball and purple Iris white tapers were at either end of the table lable The entertaining rooms were decorated In purple and white Mrs S. S D. D Craig and Mrs Charles Lundgren Lundgren Lund Lund- gren presided at the tea lea table During the afternoon an enjoyable program was given consisting of solos by Mrs Sievert duet by the two small daughters daughters daugh daugh- of Mr and Mrs Mra William Mace and short talks by Mrs Arthur Jones Mrs Charles Lungren Mrs Edwin CLove C C. Love and Mrs E. E R. R Jackson About fifty guests called |