Show Intermountain News mews Briefly Told b by Busy Readers NEVADA E n FINDS Js GOLD GOU ECO ECONOMY I PIAN S LOOMS CITY IT BUYS S S l UNIT IT TAX X DEFERRED TWO lIS COMPLETED 11 SK otral Several Tonopah Tonopah Ton Ton- o opah oh h mining tarn men TI lh J tb the planer f strike 14 miles mills northwest of It Ye Inston ington and ami report Ort that lint the Ibe gravel pans puna 75 cents lIts to a n dollar r a unit pan LOGAN JOGAS Tie The city commis- commis Mon uton has ordered 1 a new engine for generating for municipally municipally power tl toe the pally pall owned power and 1 fight plant OHn TIT Tho The Utah Baptist association held Its fiftieth anniversary anni annl- meeting here bere am and this meeting meet mt ing was attended by Rev J J. J pen pen- ee Cr r wm son of the founder r of the first church In Ogden fifty years jears ii ItS ago go HALT H. Ium CITY UT A A plan for economy which hleb will M save nave several sever nr al ni thousands of dollars has hu been out lit outlined outlined 1111 lined 1 l Iy by y the state fish nh nail and game nine department The state game commissioner Om com missioner that economy It la is necessary ry ns as Utah cannot complete com com- Us Its present program with the prevent nt rate of f Income allowed d the department SALT Ir J. J I CITY UT Corpse Corp whose your year lIr ends ls after January 1 I 1111 mid and fore In-fore June Junen 0 n 0 ha hUH c been Rhen ghen until Sep S I leather 15 Ii to 10 file tile franchise fran chise returns under an nn order by bylie bythe the Ihl lie Mute tax commission 1011 locally Legally some Rome of the thc tuxes taxes nr tire duo due 11 now lint hilt because e of the tile fart fact that Hint the tax tox Is III not lIot yet t ready to t recite receive returns the time for filing has bus been icon extended CISCO UT Two Two now new W federal aid highways Co costing approximately approximate ly Iy and connecting Utah with Colorado at nl the state stateline stateline line are recommended by hy the thc stale engineers for acceptance Just us as MOil coon as OS a n few fw finishing touches are arc completed These c final touches are In 10 progress It Is reported The projects projects pro pro- Include Zt ZI tulles mills of highway rust east t from rein Cisco Rail 10 IG miles east cast from Monticello IDA The The total value of farm furni lands implements Implements le- le ments machinery in Idaho Is III or almost t equal to the valuation for the entire state of Idaho which for tor 1030 1930 a At as found by the thc state hoard board of equalization was MAST UT County Commissioner Commis Commis- John Gunderson was wall found guilty of malfeasance of office on cm five counts after n II trial lusting lasting four lays days lie was found not guilty en on one count lount II UT le county shows bows n a shrinkage e of or almost t one one- fourth In III the value of property properly 1 by ly the Hie county hirty assessor this year according to 10 the report submitted sub suh- to the slate tax lon The fhe property erty It Is assent assessed IH etl at nt 1247 3 d to t 10 97 In III 1030 1930 Every class of ot property shows a aIn In large decrease but the most t drastic reduction Is on In Ih t e l' l tock tOk which was wasas 81 as assessed esiel 8 1 at nt 1 J In 1030 1930 com com- to 10 only this year a reduction of or about out one Hie Hl UT There There are in Salt Rait Lake County MO dairy cows row and the agricultural department estimates estimates es es- 8 that profits proWs of the farmers farmer would be lie greatly Increased by elimination slim elim of at nt lIa least t 2000 The 2000 cows S that do not produce enough to pay their annual bill for feed ferd lat la- la t IlOr bor or and In investment vest merit do produce enough milk to 10 create crole n Ii surplus that has Los demoralized the butterfat mar mar- ket SILVER CITY IDA First nn t step operations ore are now under way at atthe atthe atthe the War Golden Eagle minIng mining mining min min- ing grounds preparatory to the resumption re reo of aggressive e development campaigns The company Is a 0 consolidation con ron of t a R group of or properties III sumo some of which h were famous fanous during the tile curly days as gold ore ers UT Bids 1111 be bc opened opened open open- ed l In the thc U. U S. S bureau of public lI roads office June C G G. G for the construction Ion cone surfacing and ond Improving of ot more inure than Ihan seven HeHn miles mUCH of the Warm highway extending from the top 1011 of Rear Hear River gulch hill to Last Chance Inn Inn- This Tille Is III In III the Ille national nation al forest fj on the way to 10 Yellowstone Yellowstone Yel Turks Parks west entrance UT Fish ur Finn recently recent ly 17 planted 1 in this tl vicinity total three to eight Inch path trout lake loke received creek reek 1 and l Hast East ost Fork Creek 1000 A UT ilane are ore underway underway under under- way woy for the four four four-do four day day annual BlackHawk lilack Black Hawk Howk anti and Indian war wor veterans celebration eel cel I ehra to lie he held in Aug 4 4 5 G C G II and nd 7 KINO KING HIM IDA The The body of Clarence Welch local loral school teacher teach tench er r has hall been on found lodged on a 0 rock In th the Snake rice at ut the ranch near here lar Welch h was drowned drown drown- ed when his kits boat overturned several several sever al weeks ago U S AX UT The The proposed J bull bullfight bullfight fight exhibition the American ou Legion legion leg lAg ion post Is planning as 88 n fl part of their th-Ir Fourth of July celebration program Is meeting with protest from the Ibe Utah State StoIc Society fur for of Cruelty to 10 Dumb Animals It was not the Intents n of f the Ibe Legion N-glon to 10 have hare the null Dull actually killed but merely to 10 give an nit Lion tion UT The city 1111 has bus entered en on- J Into a campaign for tor the he foe he- e curing cutin of tourist travel the fout Hummer |