Show Stacey Scores Run Home-Run The Desert Cedar-Desert Mound baseball team added another victory to their I I list when they defeated Enterprise 8 to 7 in an exciting game on the local grounds last Sunday I Cedar started the scoring in the first inning when Hal Christensen first firstman firstman firstman man up hit a three bagger and scored shortly after The local team continued continued continued con con- to added a run or two each In In- Inning until they had hac a lead of 8 to 1 at the beginning of the seventh inning only to have Enterprise stage rallies rames In Inthe inthe inthe the seventh and ninth Innings and almost tie ie the score In the seventh the Enterprise players players players play play- ers started to hit and scored four runs before the side could be retired In Inthe Inthe Inthe the ninth they scored two more and had the tying and winning runs on third and second when the final putout putout put put- put put-I out was made Jim Stacey hit a ri a home run In the fifth driving the ball over the left fielders head so far that he was on third base before the ball was recover recover- ed Ten Eyck got a three bagger In Inthe inthe inthe the sixth that scored two t runners Beth teams played well in the field and the runs for the most part were scored on good solid hitting Carpenter pitching for Cedar held Enterprise batters well In hand until his team staked him to a good lead when he heI eased up and the game became much I more exciting I Imore |