Show Ablo Peril Although asbestos has been used In to Industry at least since B. B C. C G. G only within recent years has bas it been neo tho Ln h w. w A. A e w v vw u. u AU disease of the lungs Asbestos Asbesto Is a mineral minerai of a curious fibrous structure ture It Is III used In making gee gas mantles furnace linings beat heat resisting mats and IS so on and Is III s largely largel handled bandied by br women The Inhalation of dust gives rise to symptoms In 80 some of the workers after about five fi years rears The They begin to get short of breath on exertion lose weight and develop a dry cough If It the cases are seen early and prevented prevented pre pre- vented from being Irritated by br the dust much relief can be obtained by br treatment |