Show Mr V President res I en t 4 t. t 8 rk gi IRY r Yr ab i i 4 a ti t k 4 e F A AyD yD 1 r 4 t r JI tI t t t J I n i f ot r Aln Ill 1 4 l. l Vl i f 1 l- l By ELMO SCOTT WATSON N SELECTING the site for his Ills summer Bummer a vacation cation President Hoover r has set lIet nn an example for nil of ot his tell fellow ow Americans Unlike some of Ms his predecessors pred preel predecessors who pIck picked cd upon one particular par par- locality find and established A 11 Summer White House there lie he Is devoting dc five fI or six works weeks of this month and next to an un automobile tour of a number of ot the national parks In the West Welt traveling by easy stages from one to another after spending a short time In each ellch one Thus these vast ast areas of scenic wonder have hue this summer become playgrounds for a PresIdent although the Hoover tour serves senes If anything to emphasize the accessibility of ot these thee vacation lands to every American and the the fact that they belong to every enry one of us Just us liS mucha muchas much as a they do to the President of the United States Although changes In the Itinerary may be made mode during the course of the tour at the time this article was written the original announcement of his plan called for tor visits laps to the following national parks Glacier In northen norther Montana Yellowstone In southwestern Wyoming Grand Orand Teton In south central Wyoming mountain In to north central central central cen cen- Colorado Mesa Verde In southwestern Colorado Colo Colo- Colorado rado Sequoia and nod YosemIte In California and Grand Orand Canyon In to Arizona In general It was announced announced an an- he would start In the north and work south visiting first Glacier and making his last stop at the Grand Orand Canyon Canon when he Is Washington Washington- bound Already famous as 88 a fishing President Mr Hoover according to early announcements would spend a week week- In Glacier the longest holt halt proposed proposed pro pro- proposed posed for the entire journey of ot more than 1000 miles because of ot the excellence of the fishIng there However In most of the parks where he be will m pitch his camp temporarily he will find convenient convenient con con- and well-stocked well streams stream In the Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellow Yellow- stone tone for Instance the National Park service v itch has supervision over the 21 national parks scattered throughout the country reports that trout In Yellowstone waters aters Is unexcelled All three drainage basins In that region abound in trout which often otten are record record breakers breakers as to size Yellowstone lake Is II the home of ot large larie trout which lire ore freely fret taken the park omelets official assert ert while the Yellowstone river and Its Ita tributaries yield excellent ex excellent u. u catches to the skillful angler There is good fishing also In la the other rivers of If that large park as well as aa in man many lesser leser lakes The United States bureau of ot fisheries durIn during recent years has been keeping the lakes and rivers of ot the national parks parka well stocked with fish lish having established special hatch hatcheries le for tor this h purpose and co co lug we wail wun 01 va of the mo ate i 1 service In providing this sport for all visitors to the various parks parka However the opportunity o for tor fishing which the President nt will enjoy during his bis tour of t the national na na- parks Is only a minor Item In to the attractions which they will offer him MID Of Ot our national parks it has been said The national parks scattered most mostly I throughout through through- out the western part of the United States Stats from ruin the Canadian border to Mexico with one olle on the Maine COR const coast st st. another In III Alaska and still another in Hawaii offer the greatest play playground ro given by an any nation In the world to Its people These great areas set apart for the permanent use and enjoyment of ot the American people not only afford opportunity for healthful and pleasant vacations they ther combine natural beauties and end wonders which taken as a whole are unexcelled In any other part of the world They are outdoor laboratories In which the geologist the botanist the student of ot wild life and of ot nature In nn any of Its Us varied and ever varying forms may profitably spend Wf weeks kI or months month of Intensive study The national packs constitute a perpetual art ort gallery In which the lover of ot rocks and trees tret's and ond steles skies painted in all nil their natural colors by the Master blaster 11 Hum II nil of th the universe finds linda never neer ending pleasure slid and surprise They are a series of museums museums museums muse muse- In which are spread before the eye of ot the beholder the geysers and the mud volcanoes of the Yellowstone the giant trees of ot the Yosemite and Sequoia the stupendously wonderful canyon of ot the Grand Canyon Canon described as the greatest example example ex ex- ample cf d erosion and the most moat sublime Bp spectacle 4 x i t n z V. V jC V k- k kt t kL 4 yam Xi L L d. d in to me use worm orill me the extraordinary 01 or of me we Yellowstone and Yosemite the glaciers of ot Mount and Glacier the beautifully blue Crater lake lying In the vast hollow of an nn extinct volcano volcano volcano vol vol- cano with sides 1000 feet high the prehistoric cliff dwellings of ot the Mesa Verde Velde the fantastically fantastically cally eroded pinnacles of ot tho the Bryce canyon canyon the only active I volcano in the United States proper at I-assen I IS en Mount McKinley McI the highest mountain In North America rising hIgher th the surrounding surrounding sur sur- rounding country than nil any other mountain In the world and numerous other marvels marell of ot nature There are more features of ot conspicuous grandeur grandeur gran gran- deur In the national parks of the United States titan than are readily accessible In all the rest of the world together while considered Individually there ore are few It If any celebrated scenic places within easy reach abroad w which filch are not equaled or excelled in America At the same SlIme time Ume there are many features of American scenery which are not to be found anywhere else or or If It found are ore unequaled unequaled unequaled un- un equaled abr abroad ud In sublimity or beauty There are more geysers of ot large size In to our Yellowstone National Na Na- park for tor Instance It Is III pointed out b by the National Park service than In all the rest of the world together the nearest t approach being the gey- gey eyser ey ey- ser fields of Iceland and ond New l Zealand Again It Is conceded the world over oer that there Is no valley In existence so strikingly beautiful as 1111 YosemIte and nowhere can cnn be found round a canyon a-canyon of such stupendous stupendous stu stu- size and exquisite coloring as the Grand Canyon of the Colorado In Sequoia National l park grow V trees so huge and old that none quite C compare compare com com- m- m pare lare with Ith them the visit or ot resident hoover to the national parks will as previously stated emphasize emphasize size their accessibility and the fact that the they belong belong be be- long to all ull of ot us us not even en the publicity which his tour will wll give ghe th these se playgrounds will be needed probably to draw to them a record number of visitors this year cur For or we Americans have been to taking kIn ad advantage e In Increasing numbers every year of nt Uncle Sams Sam's an I Invitation nn to come came out and play pIa In YOUR YOUIt playgrounds the tIll national parks park The he growth In the number who have answered that annual call tins has been a II steady one with the exception on of the year when the total amounted amount amount- ed fd to only 2 I Hut h by 1 1921 21 It hind had passed the tile million mark and In iii W 1027 1927 j It went over oler the two million mark I list years year's record was U nod end It is predicted pili try because of or the hoover tour that this year flur the th number will wll e Nd CI In la addition to th the more mare than limn two and a half halt million Americans who enjoyed e the wonders of the 21 national parks parks' lust last year more than half a million the 33 81 national monuments monuments- monuments na- na reservations resen of hl historic or scientific Interest such fuel as IS the petrified forest in Arizona the Pino- Pino In Utah find and the clift ruins in New Y which Mexico which also are administered by hy the National Park service With the annual Influx of this horde of pleas pleas- ure seekers it has been an Increasing problem to take care of ot them theta in such luch a way as to assure their greatest enjoyment during their stay tut the National Park service lien has hus proved Itself equal to the task There are ample facilities for all vie vis with all sizes of pocketbooks so that rich richand richand richand and poor alike ran can enjoy themselves Many of the hotels have the finest equipment and und eer every luxury F f w f- f ii ft t j 01 n re 1 t St i Vi i. i j i IA tL ds m that can be bo obtained In lar large e cities There ar ore are e cheaper hotels also and lodges lodgeR In which visitors a may live n very ry comfortably and quite economically Then free public automobile camps have hae been bee n established some sonic of them with housekeeping cub cab Ins and cafeteria service e Water electric light nn and d sanitary conveniences cOD are furnished as liS well as nl firewood and in some Rome places open fireplaces fo for tor e cooking In n a word there are ore tourist In the parks to suit all tastes nod aud purses The aim of ot the National Park service Ire Is to fulfill the purpose for tor which these lese great open olen spaces have e been created and t to make them popular comfortable and available a for tor people of ot nil all degrees of ot Income One feature of ot the width tho the National Park service e Is emphasizing and to which It Is giving more and andDore more Dore attention each year Is the educational opportunity which h they offer They are becoming great centers centera of nature study and this tits Is being encouraged In every way possible Comprehensive plans for the f development of jeneral gen jen eral educational work In hi the till national parks have been worked out carefully by a u special committee of experts appointed for tor that purpose In speaking speak speak- ing of ot this th Director Horace M U. U Albright declared that perhaps the most marked progress progress' of ot the year plot past IH la connection with the national parks has occurred In the development of the natural educational opportunities available Nine years arl ago he be explained the possibility of developing de these arena areas from un an educational and inspirational as well as recreational standpoint begun began to be dimly realized and In a small mental way WilY nature guide and museum activities were undertaken In Yosemite National park The movement mo he added met with popular acclaim and at the same name time attracted the attention of ot scientists The Tle fact that resident President hooves Hoover is to tour the parks by automobiles recalls the fact tint that It Is only within recent years year that motor Dotor cars cara have hll been admitted to these national Ious objection playgrounds Previous pre Pre- having ha been ben on I be the ground that woul it Interfere with the ita singe conch conch l routes In thu reservations and further that It would frighten n or kill many of the wild animals In the parks The Thi newest truus problem O In the national parks Is now presented by airplane Up to the present time the National Notional park service has hOR not permitted the construction of permanent Gelds fields within park pork areas upon ulIn the ground landing that tha Il aviation Is still in It Its II experimental until stage and that thai more safeguards could be Ill lie Ill In this assured to the tile p pub pi b mode of ot travel It could not be tinned sanc sane Hut Mr AIr Albright makes make the tLe prediction that th tile the airplane probably In the near future will become becom nn ac accepted means of tran transportation to parks If not nt within them various This question Uon is he studied tot not beIng only by government by others Interested In the tha but also subject of the exten eaten elon stun of air travel In this country t tZ b by W elern t erD ra N w p Mr Union |