Show t Feeding Veal Calves Calvesto to Get Best Results For the first two 10 weeks the calf should be ted fed three times dally During Dur Our ing the first week It should receive eight to ten pounds of milk a day and during the second week ten to twelve pounds pound a II do day Beginning with the tine third week milk and grain supplement supple ment or skim milk substitute nn anti and grain rain supplement can replace re rev place whole milk By DI the end of ot time the third or fourth week therefore according ac ne cording to the time size and vigor of ot the time calf colt the whole milk can be bl omitted from the feed The u mount of or skim I milk can Iun gradually be Increased to 10 sixteen or eighteen pounds daily dully The Time grain Is best fed t dry beginning with n II handful utter after the milk When the calf Is IB one month old anti and Is skim milk or belu being fed ted entirely on skim milk substitute clover cluver hay buy and of lit grain can cun be lre one one- grain the time amount unit halt pound dully At the tine end of lit two mouths months It can calm be one olle pound and Ht Itt atthe the end of ot three months two pounds dally daily No rio further Increase Is ne necessary necessary cs ur sary until the calf Is six months old uld A good 01 grain mixture cou consists Its ts of IOU pounds of ot corn meal IOU lUO pounds of It ground units outs pounds of ot wheat brun bran W liO fio pounds of lit linseed meal and fight eight pounds of ot blood flour nour |