Show Lions Hear About Auto Industry Lenin Lorin IC C C. C Miles I was in charge of the regular Club at Lunts Lunt's Cafe Monday noon and a alively alively alively lively program of group singing was carried out Leland M. M Perry was caned called called call can ed upon to lead the singing After the program Clarence Miller gave rave a ft very Inte interesting talk taUt on the latest menU manta In the automobile industry Mr Kr Taggart of ot the Pacific National Life LIte Assurance Co was waa a special guest pest at the luncheon ale J ti bb of f Parowan Parowan Par Par- owan were visitors In Cedar yesterday I Mrs Krs stubbe Stubbs shopping and Mr Stubbs Stub attending to business connected with the law firm of Shay Shay Dr J M. M J J. J Macfarlane was called t to o St. St George last Sunday because of i ithe the serious illness Ulness of his mother Mrs Agnes E. E Macfarlane Because of he heage her r I age 86 88 years considerable apprehension sion was waa held beld over her condition but bit t it t present the she to is much improved I |