Show I i FOR RENT RENT New New four room modern modem apt Electric stove sto and and furnace N 2nd nd East per month Apply Appl next doer for entrance J 14 li R 21 Adv Ad Ne Mrs Joe Bettridge of f Caliente Nev underwent an operation for goitre at athe athe he Iron County Hospital Tuesday I morning She is recovering nicely at present I r j Again Reduces Prices s a s si i 1 Buy now Dont Don't drive on worn smooth tires lires when you can Isar ha new Firestone Tires at these low prices Never b before could before rore could you buy such remarkable values You get extra strength extra safety extra service with every Firestone Tire because of these extra Firestone construction eon con features Gum Gunn Dipping the tone Alone pal patented extra process proc 1 that makes the cord body bOd tougher and stronger Two To Extra ECra Cord ord Pile Piles the Ilio Tread Tre a patented t Firestone const ruction that Riven added protection against again punctures puncture and outs blow and stronger bond l between tread and cord rON lady body Tougher skid non tread read that Rite gAes ht greater nonskid nonskid non- non skid protection and longer skid non wear 1931 1931 the year Oear in which values was for Firestone a year of great accomplishment Because of Firestones Firestone's Cs C's unequaled position in buying raw materials rubber and cotton efficient factories and economical distribution they sac gave car owners the thc greatest values tallies in their his history tor Drive Irivo in today Equip your our car with Firestone Firestone Gum Gum- Dipped Tires Tire and enjoy their extra safet safety and satisfaction at the lowest loest prices prien in history h FIo I age r If Old OId N 0 I tI G c. TV 1 I Ts tI a cr c. I r I. I I. I em cu hu fl e. e t PIU ke SN an t c. c hu ru c. c chu I Lid foe r. r P. P h. h tic he w r. r I I Ch 14 1130 la 20 1031 Ul n I ILD I IF Ford F 21 2054 1014 Frn Fn lIn I F. F Ford I j 19 1085 1015 2104 al 04 i ich ch J 5 19 1332 Stu II I whippet L. L Sall I It 10 1095 5 2124 al a t 43 P. P II Ill I Ch 11 21 1110 2154 I o II I od DYki Bul 1160 1140 aZIo 2250 rp 19 1390 11 sent 1265 2454 aIn K F. F F. F s s. s IJ n 1465 2842 I N- N C. C 2 61 1310 I Ill II I F. F F TRUCK and ft au TIR n. n 4 5 00 1 I 1354 1314 oral bibI a Nerr I I. I M r. r raw c. c nor cm c. c n. n s I brIt 18 1 1440 ls Id r. r h. h I Olds bib Dul ulek 21 1582 lIn 1545 1145 2916 I 4 lInh 2610 I i. i a lIn IID 40 Ile 18 IS ZO 1 20 lIn 1450 2814 20 lIn 1630 I O Ia I 20 lIn 2645 I Ind 19 14 2 lIn S 'S I 29 lIn 15 Special brand tires lire art are made made by a manufacturer without hU hl name fur Tor distribution liy hy mail nail order houses houM anti and other distributor under their ov own on ii brands brand Those These tires are arc n sold UI to lu the Ih public without I the lie rr identity or guarantee of or the thC lire lir manufacturer I Firestone do 1 not male maL S Special lira Brand nil tires fur for Ii ANYONE E. E Firestone I Tire Tire- ar are ure i uW 1 1 through nr Firestone J healers Dealer and anil Stores Store I who ho HIO ghe complete nic You Yuu get gel extra estra protection un with Ith tilt the name I Firestone on crery e ery tire tare Firestone makes i lS Guarantee Every Guarantee V tr tire manufacture 1111 II I l I ly y v Firestone Irestone t. t I bears the I and mid and name carries their our unlimited un un- limited guarantee You are ore doubly protected I. I ARC ARr S GA AGE AE Cedar City Utah r DRIVE IN AND EQUIP YOUR CAR TODAY u Tutee 01 1 Or te 8 r C Iid s Quaker Cereals The The- Quaker Oats Co is one one- of the original s Cereal Manufacturers I 72 other Cereal Concerns Concerns Con Con- cerns have started and gone out of business business business busi busi- ness since the Quaker Oats Cos Go's beginning The Quaker Co has survived because their products have always been superior in iD quality qualIty ity and sanitation Quaker products have hae always sold at prices fair to the consumer Each O. O P. P Skaggs System Store sells the Quaker line of cereals in its entirety Tr Try Quaker next OPS Rolls Dozen Here lIere is our newest product A full pan of ofa a dozen rich tasty pan rolls roDs or biscuits for forthe forthe forthe the same price as 0 o. P. P S. S bread bread Ic These rolls are just the right size size neither neither too large nor dor too small Try a dozen Heat them inthe in inthe inthe the oven just before serving Your guests guest will declare they are j home made 0 P FOOD STORES A eA Surety of Purity I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Publisher D Department of the Interior General Gener Gener- al land office at Salt Lake City Utah January 2 1932 Notice is hereby given that Lawrence Lawrence Lawr Lawr- ence H H. H Hurt of Hamlin Valley Utah who on Feb 11 1927 1921 made stock raising homestead entry No for E Eye Eft Section 7 Township 32 South Range 19 West Salt Lake Meridian has filed led notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land hand above described before be before before be- be fore Thomas Lund U U. U S S. S Commissioner Commission Commission- er at Modena Utah Utah on the day Feb 1932 Claimant names a. a as witnesses John JohnF F F. F Daniels Alfred Force Howard HulIng Huling Hul Hul- ing and George H H. H Rhodes all of Hamlin Hamlin Ham Ham- lin Valley Utah ELI F F. F TAYLOR Register Jan 7 14 21 28 28 Feb 4 41 SHAY SHAY Law Attorneys 83 IS N. N Main St. St Cedar City CUy Utah Reuben J J. J Shay General Shay General Practice ce William M M. Shay Shar Collections and Adjustment Dr A. A C. C Johnson Deputy State Veterinarian Cedar City CUY Utah Residence phone 15 I I m Morris 1 Matheson l Law Attorneys Mercantile Building Cedar City Utah Happy Transfer Co I I r Cedar City Utah Phones 61 and I IA A A. G. G Happy Mgr J j 1 tm 3 i. i to y AcId Acidity v Breaks 3 wOo Sloop Sleep It If sou c II fi 71 tl c 1 l II and nd run down run run- hown rOM from Ij Vp jilts l lc lf T li M Circles and imd r t. t Ey t. t j allo sod antl Illicit i- i s. s caused by Kid hid I Kidney ld- ld Ili ney rHY Ac dl 1 w. w Jt you u to quit suf Ic t. firing j i I at a Il now In tn anti got whIt whet 1 t I Is the tho II i RI at I t in i diett d l- iett lilio I t 1 t tor or r round Pound It often otten pl sh t tl II- II Ir- Ir i 0 em nt la in It I I hour hour- lour Juat iK I MB roe tor Ir i or Cy SI tex J-tex tex It its 11 8 ul I 7 To 1111 and ami 1 I 1 guarantee It to Cm kly C I these cheat conditions anti ano It eo c. ly or return empty ladIe e un 1 ie tint your our money ba bad bak DRUG CO |