Show I I 1 Eyes of Utah OilMen Oil OilMen OilMen Men on So Utah FOUR PROJECTS ATTRACT ATTENTION ATTENTION AT AT- BLOOMINGTON DOME EXPECTED TO PRODUCE SOON- SOON VIRGIN DOME IE PENETRATING SATURATE SAND AT DEPTH OF FEET The e eyes es of all Utah oil men are on Washington county at the present time where four projects testIng testing testing test test- ing oil possibilities are underway They include the Bloomington Dome Harrisburg Dome Punch Bowl Dome and the Antelope anticline The E Explorations Inc are still maintaining the greatest secrecy se secrecy lie se- crecy about Its Bloomington dome well but It is reported ported that the company is only waiting for cement to set In Inthe Inthe inthe the well so that It can be brought in inand inand inand and a test for commercial production made A control head has been placed placed placed ed on the well casing has been run and cemented and work preparatory to bringing In the well accomplished The well Is situated about three miles south of St St. George The Arrowhead Petroleum corporation corporation corporation corpora corpora- tion is drilling two tests One is on the Punch Bowl dome about 3 miles northeast of the Bloomington dome and the other is on the Antelope anticline anticline anticline an an- situated about 14 miles northeast northeast northeast north north- east of the Punch Bowl dome in Aria Ariz- oona about 3 miles across the Utah- Utah Arizona state line The Virgin Dome Oil company drilling the Harrisburg dome located about 4 miles northeast of the Punch Bowl Is reported to be in a saturated sat sat- oil sand at a depth of approximately approxImately approximately feet and an attempt now is being made to effect a water nut nut- off off of Operations at the Arrowhead d Pe Pe- Petroleum corporations corporation's Punch Bowl Dowl test are temporarily at a standstill with the crew now working on the Antelope well awaiting delivery of casing at atthe atthe the former test It Is expected that operations will be resumed In II the near future The Antelope test Is being worked 24 hours a day at present presen with the help of the crew from the PunchBowl Punch lunch Bowl Dowl At last reports the hole was Continued on page 4 EYES OF UTAH OILMEN OIL OILMEN I MEN ON SOUTHERN UTAH Continued from page 1 1110 feet deep with the bit in the Kaibab Kal Kai bab lime which overlies the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Penn Penn- sylvania formation The first oil sand sandin sandin sandIn in this well is expected at a depth of ot between and 2600 feet The Virgin V Dome Oil comp company nr which owns patented ground In hi the theU U U. U S S. Petroleum Reserve No 7 on which the Harrisburg Bloomington ngon I Punch Bowl and Washington domes are located is 15 thought to be in hi the same oil sand as the Bloomington dome test The Virgin company found this sand to be approximately 33 feet thick and an analysis of the sand is reported to have shown it to be highly high high- highly ly saturated As soon as the company succeeds in casing off of the water a test for production may be expected |