Show J Breaks Out In Sheep T NOTICED IN HERD IN UPS UP- UP S to PINE PISE VALLEY VALLEY VALLEY-DR DR HUFFS HUFF HUFF- S ILIN Lt U V. V S S. S D D. D A A. A PRESCRIBES TREATMENT A di tease disease ene has broken out In the five U sheep herd which is win win- ring la is upper Pine Valley that sheep n a throughout the county may well wellS c S y ovate of as Its s spread would cause S d only the loss of many rams but T otherwise result In much wie ble labor and poor lamb crop P T W W. W Leigh bm to b in m charge of the herd Cedar last week with the news at t some sane Infectious disease was lam among ng the rams of his herd herd- Leigh called wiled County Agent L L. L E E. E Lff oho ho bo Immediately td ed A Dr w w. T T. T Huffman vet vet- aria ni with Ith the of Animal ety to he Ji U U. s S. S D. D A A. A Salt Lake City agreed greed to meet owners of the and Mr at Milford MUford ugly gly S S. W. W Leigh and Stany Stan- Stan Pry 7 y representing the men inthe in- in ted std in the herd and the County e for Milford and Dr Huff Huff- taa hs taken to Pi Pine e Valley to the ep P hero herd which was infected The Theas e was as found to be venereal ne- ne d d r had Frank Prank Leigh and his tilled killed twenty eight of the he which e before were ere cons considered sere ered to o b ba be a In Ine In- In n- n Ten see head Dr D'- Huffman arrived e Just devel developing the dise dis- dis i re treated treated b by Dr Dr- Huffman Instruction was given the men at D In gent nt or of 7 methOds of care and ting the rams and ewes ewe infection |